Kill Top End Extension - All Silver Ribbon Cables

Hi Guys,

I have a system were ALL the Interconnects and Speaker cables are all Pure Silver Based Ribbons from PSC Audio. Would any of you know, whether this would be a BAD idea, if my current system is a tube based setup. I guess I'm wondering if this whats killing the top end extension in the music. ie. the nice shimmer on the cymbals. I've changed all the tubes on the pre-amp and the Amp is only about 2 weeks old. Furthermore, the pencil valves on the CD player have also just been replaced.

System Configuration
Amp: 13E1 Tube Monoblocks
Pre-Amp - Supratek Sauvignon
CD Player - Audio Aero Capitole MKII
Interconnect: CD to Pre - PSC Custom Pure Silver Ribbons (1 mtr)
Interconnect: Pre to Power PSC Custom Pure Silver Ribbons (2 mtr)
Speaker Cables: PSC Custom Pure Silver Ribbons (2 Mtrs)

Many Thanks to all that reply...
Thanks for your response to date.

I'm currently using a pair of Osborn Epitome Reference with the extra bass units.


Grand Epitomes 20 to 20000 Hz. Tweeter accuracy throughout operating range +0/-1db. Usable bass to 8 Hz.

CROSSOVER POINTS 125 Hz and 3500 Hz @ 12 db/Octave. Bass Unit @ 60 Hz.
MINIMUM IMPEDANCE 5.8 Ohm. With Bass Unit 3.9 Ohm.
REC. MAXIMUM POWER 200 Watts R.M.S per Channel.
REC. MINIMUM POWER 10 Watts R.M.S per Channel.

If the Interconnects are also Ribbons, this must make a difference to the highs. It's the complete combination. I'm going to plug my original copper based speakers cables back and check to see if discernable difference is obvious. Will Keep you posted...

Usable bass to 8 Hz ? I doubt that. Were you able to set those speakers up correctly. Having 2 speakers and 2 bass units can be a bear to get right.
I agree with Sean. Don't sell your Argent cables short. They are quite extended at both frequency extremes and still mighty fine cables.
What is a desirable impedance for speaker cables and what is desirable for interconnects are two different things. As such, using the same materials in the same geometry for both types of cabling can result in different problems in the circuit. Where those problems arose would depend on what geometry was used and where the resultant impedance was best suited for.

This is why i it cracks me up to see companies using identical cable designs for both their interconnects and their speaker cabling, as they should be quite different by design. Yes, the same or extremely similar materials can be used, but the geometries and net impedances should be measurably different.

As such, it's quite possible that your interconnects will work fine, especially with tubed gear that already has higher impedances to deal with. We are talking about thousands of ohms here. On the other hand, the amplifier / speaker portion is all of very low impedance, where just a few ohms can make a measurable difference.

Whether or not the speaker cabling is responsible for the majority of problems that you're encountering obviously remains to be seen. It's possible that you have other problems elsewhere in the system and you're running into a compounding effect. Sean
In a great system I have found ribbon cables to be superb. Nothing compares to the "sense of space." I own the Pure Note Enhanced Paragons (over a year) which replaced my old Nordost Valhallas.