My 2¢. I haven’t done the comparison that you’re asking about.
After reading this review, I purchased this SR Galileo UEF Digital cable. It provided my system with a substantial jump in performance. More musical, more engaging.
I was very pleased with my system’s SQ. I didn’t want to spend more money. I wanted to be done. That didn’t last long.
Eventually, I added SR Atmosphere Level 4 RCA’s between my DAC and tube preamp. And then added SR Atmosphere Level 4 XLR’s between my tube preamp and Class A SS amp. The SQ with each addition became more articulate, more 3D, more immersive. More of the UEF house sound – in a good way.* The bass was always robust.
My guess is that just adding the SR Galileo’s XLR’s would be a nice introduction to the SR Atmosphere sound. But a full loom – starting at the source - would truly bring out the best SR presentation. As I have done. If my budget would have allowed, I would gone with all Galileo’s.
Good luck with your audio journey.
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SR has their grounding scheme woven into their UEF generation of cables. When I finally began utilizing the grounding, the SQ improved even more. The tuning modules are another story, for another thread.
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*In the past, I’ve tried partial cable looms of the same brand/model. Sometimes, it added too much of a good thing – and didn’t work out. With SR, it only gets better.