Klipsch Cornwall IV

Hello all,

I'm interested in what people who have heard the speaker feel about it. I currently run spatial M3 turbos and have an all tube analog setup ( line magnetic, hagerman ) with an oppo 105 being the digital front end.

Previous speakers have been acoustic zen, reference 3A, Maggie 3.6, and triangles. I am more concerned with a huge immersive sound stage than I am with pinpoint imagery. I have a big room and have plenty of space between the back wall and my speakers if I need it.

Any thoughts?
Forgot to mention that I’ve owned the Spatial Audio M3 Turbo as well. I much prefer the Cornwall IV.  I will say this, more than any other speaker I’ve owned or auditioned, with the exception of the Maggie 20.7, these Klipsch are just physically large and require forethought regarding if and how they’ll fit in your listening space. 
@kcpellethead.     They should be fine in my room. The room's main weakness is its low, 7' ceilings, but length and width are fine. See virtual system pics:
Timely discussion. A pair of Cornwall IV will arrive this week. I bought them looking for an alternative sound (low watt tubes, high-eff horn-like speakers) to my standard high watt, medium-eff cones and domes system. I’ll be trying them with my stable of 3 watt 2A3 SET, 18 watt EL34 PP, and 36 watt EL 84 PP amps. All vinyl. Should be an adventure! Bought from MD, and I’ve already lined up return shipping by freight, so this is truly an experiment.

FWIW, I brought in Spatial X5 last month and returned them. Not enough flesh on the sound for me, and they needed more power than I expected to energize my largish room. I'm not sure the CW will provide adequate bottom, hence the exit strategy.

I'm not sure the CW will provide adequate bottom, hence the exit strategy.

The Cornwall IV has excellent bass pitch and definition and will go low enough for most music. I am using a pair of subs just to fill in the really low bass and for a little heft. But my room is pretty big and YMMV.