Led Zep 45th Anniversary Shows at O2 in 2012

Way cool. Can't wait for the details out of London.
There is no Led Zeppelin. The band ceased to exist as of 25 Sept 1980. Sorry.
Break out the Geritol, Icy Hot, and Nuprin.

And the elastic waistband jeans.

I feel pretty certain from things that Robert Plant has said in interviews that there will be no such reunion then or ever. It would be sad if there was.
Actually, the opening band is April Fools Day. You have been punked, Audigon style.
Bongo, if that happens I'm in. We should put together an Audiogon group for that event.

To Bill's point though, we would probably need to break out the Geritol, Icy Hot and Nuprin for the group as well as for the band.