Legacy Audio "V" Statement/Flagship Speaker...

Wondering if anyone heard them at RMAF 2014 and could share some listening impressions. The photos that are starting to pop up certainly make a profound statement as to how beautiful they are....
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
Zeph I love the Aeris and after spending several intimate hours with three different pairs I go why can't I have that sound until I fire up the Whispers lol Totally different animals though but I still prefer the Whisper XDs with a a pair of Extremes.
It's the difference between a Bently and a Masi! lol
Out of all the shows I have been to my fav was Acapella horns with a pair of Einstein tube monos.
The closest thing I have heard to properly tuned Legacy actives was the JBL Everest.
Evolutions were pretty good too!
@ Dev I'll have to check those Danleys out at 6k.
Thanks Tobb....the Whisper is an amazing speaker that simply disappears in the room and images like a true panel speaker but with alot more to offer (IMHO). I am keen to see the next gen of Whisper whenever that may be given Bill never rests and is continuously looking for ways to improve things. With "V" about to come out and AERIS a clear success, it will be interesting to guess about the next-gen of Whisper.

Still loving the AERIS here; I have not even grabbed a mic and the processor to do any tweaking for the room, that comes next!

BTW....the link below now collects all the various reviewer feedback links from RMAF on "V" into one location that you can click around and get to the specific articles. Some high praise appears to have been awarded from a lot of different reviewers;


Also...if you go here for AERIS, and click on the "Details" tab below the picture of the speaker mid-page, there is an updated and very long list of articles and reviews that you can jump to for AERIS;


If anyone wants to hear AERIS and is ever near Greenville SC, please let me know and we can grab some great music and do some serious listening.
Trust me the quality of the build is not up to part on The Legacy Speakers. Shoving a ton of Drivers and letting the Processor do the job is a bit like Building your own Set of Speakers with top quality drivers but using a active crossover which corrects the speakers response etc etc to the room.

The Danley SH50 Speakers are more musical, emotional, scary dynamics, More Coherent than the Legacy Speakers.

Remember when you have a tons of drivers all working together time alightment starts to be a big Problem! You guys really need to hear the SH50 with Tube Amplifiers I have never cried so much in my listening room when I had the Danley setup properly with Tubes.
The SH50 are a Bargain, For music and movies its throws a wall of sound. They are slightly rough on the top edge but this can be tamed easily. They are brutal with detail retrieval.
Zephyr I'll mirror that invite hear on the Wet Coast.
Let me know how you feel once you dial them in.
The difference for me was like turning the. lights on.