lessloss blackbody

I have a couple of lessloss power cords and they are pretty good, but what is this blackbody, has anyone tried it. I love tweaks but even to me this seems a little crazy, what are your thoughts

Showing 7 responses by rja

Ouch, let's not go there. I started a thread on this a while back. It got nasty. The 'gon shut it down.
I knew exactly what you were talking about.

BTW: I've found that I have no sleep number. Stayed in a hotel with this mattress and never found a comfortable setting. Go figure.

Interesting detective work on this thread.
In my previous deleted thread most posters declared that these could not possibly have any effect other than imaginary. My contention was that perhaps we should keep an open mind.
I should point out that, at the time, no one posting had any experience with these whatever so all postings were "a priori" opinion, some of which were quite vociferous (or should I say, down right nasty?). So nasty in fact that Audiogon shut it down.
While a certain amount of skepticism is always healthy I would point out that the naysayers here have not even seen one of these things. How do you know that they cannot work?

Quite different from, I tried several out and in my opinion they had no effect or their effect was minimal at best.
Yes, 3 possibilities:
1. They work, positive effect.
2. They have a negative effect.
3. They do nothing, they have no effect.
Unlike the last thread on these, there are reports from actual owners. So far the owners are reporting option #1.