Life after ADS

When I first started this hobby a few years ago I was immediately drawn to vintage ADS speakers because of the performance/price ratio plus they are just flat out musical.

Many well regarded speakers have come and gone that offered an amazing hi-fi listening experience but I always kept at least one or two pair of ADS speakers around for background music and so forth.

It has taken me the better part of three years to find a mint pair of L1530's and wouldn't you know it a pair came up for sale to me locally and I grabbed them. However I am moving into a smaller house and will not be able to keep them. My first question is what would be a good modern monitor to replace them with.

I will say I listened to some Adam Audio's (not sure what model)and for the money they were very good. In fact I am thinking of getting a pair. The ribbon tweeter sounded very open and detailed without being harsh or aggressive. Before I get the Adams are there any other speakers with ribbon tweeters I should consider? Others I have been looking at are LSA Statements, Vapor, and Evolution Acoustics.

Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks.

The L420 actually uses a 7" Stifflite Woofer along with its 1" dome tweeter. Published frequency response by ADS is 48-20K hz +/- 3 Db. Like I said earlier, it is 6 Ohm nominal, 4 Ohm minimum with a sensitivity of 92 Db.

Phasecorrect, suggest you also go over to Audiokarma to learn more about ADS speakers. Lots of ADS fans and owners over there.
@ kevinkwann that was funny actually. To Phasecorrect the ADS threads on Audiokarma are very informative as Paraneer points out and quite extensive. The one member on AK who has the most knowledge on the company was a former ADS employee and goes by Soundmotor.

After buying and demoing many bookshelf speakers lately I have finally settled on a pair of Soundfield Audio Monitor 1's. Amazing speakers with true full range sound in my small room.
I know I am about a year late on this thread, and I have not read all the posts, but are you leaving the ads 1530 sound strictly based on room size?

They have some excellent smaller bookshelf models that are quite impressive for sound, one being the L-880, it's a bit smaller than the L-810, but the sound is perhaps a bit larger.
Actually I wanted to try something new that offered similar dynamics of the 1530 in a smaller room. I found that in the sound field audio m1. I do still own a few pairs of ads speakers but haven't even thought about hooking them up since I got the m1's.