(And I assume that the filter caps are the large electrolytic caps with the screw in terminals?)
I’m pretty sure you are speaking of power caps. Filter caps are the small uF units that filter out unwanted signal. The big (blue?) ones with threaded connectors are your high voltage supply for the valves.
Power caps are not as critical to sound as the filter caps.
@yesiam_a_pirate , I won’t lie about it--electronics/electrical is a weak subject for me. I do understand some of the basic fundamentals and I can remove & replace and solder and desolder, but I really do not understand much about the principle of operation of what I am working on.
So thank you for trying to help clarify this for me. Would you mind taking a quick read through this thread (this is what got me thinking about the subject, as I own basically the same 21 year old amp, except mine is in stereo, not a mono block . . . and unfortunately, the pics are no longer available that the OP had attached to his thread.) Some where in the thread, the cap that "exploded" was described as having screw in terminals, and it must have been filled with oil, and then someone remarks that he thinks that it is a "filter cap." A power cap does sound more like what I thought it was, and I have had the bottom off of my amp before and there are only four caps with screw in terminals and they are the largest caps in the amp. And I just did look at the owners manual, and now I believe that you are correct, as it says: "POWER SUPPLY CAPACITORS 4 - 560 MFD @ 400 volts".