Linear Power Supply Recommendations!

While I realize linear power supplies share the same basic principle—using a transformer to step down voltage, rectification to convert AC to DC, and regulation to maintain a steady output….there are several factors that ultimately differentiate their performance in a specific application. 

Did you find one particular LPS performed better than the others?  I am looking for a dual output 12V / 3A power supply to power my Telegartner Opt Bridge 1000M. 

Ferrum HYPSOS Dual Output with its ‘Sweet Spot Tuning’ has caught my attention. Any users out here that is currently using this LPS? 


I used an SBooster with the Geshelli Labs Dayzee DAC and the improvement was noticeable and positive. Once enjoyed it was not the same without it.

Either build one using a Sparkos Audio Power supply board or buy the 12v one from SBooster. Both are game changers. 

+1 for Teddy Pardo dual power supply.

I am using one with Bluesound Node N130 and Chord DAC to positive effect.

I have also had success using MCRU and Swagman Labs PS, but not sure they offer a dual supply.


You have asked for LPS….

but if you are looking for a clean power supply take a look at ifi products. 
the ifi elite power supply is quite quiet.  

Just received LHY (Jay’s Audio) LPS80VA dual output 12V/5A Linear Power Supply. Going to break-in for next 5-6 weeks and then compare with stock wall warts came with my Opti Bridge. If I hear improvements, then I will venture into comparing LHY with other LPS recommendations in the thread. 

Uptone JS-2 appears to be most versatile LPS with on the fly voltage adjustments and good long term investment.