From their website
The Uniqueness of [LINLAI™ Global] Tubes:
Tubes bearing [LINLAI™ Global] logo are engineered, produced and carefully screened to exclusively meet western music listeners’ preference:
1) Aim to high degree of faithful reproduction of western music instruments, such as piano, acoustic and electric guitar, acoustic and electric bass / double bass, kick drums etc, which are common in western recordings but not as common in Asian music;
2) Create live-like sound image width and depth, and offer realistic balance across high, mid and bass frequencies, without exaggerating the ultra high frequencies (much of Asian music does focus more ultra high’s and Asian audiophiles are accustomed to such a type of sound).
LINLAI™ Tubes sold to vendors in mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau are tuned, produced and screened to meet Asian audiophile’s listening habits and preferences. They bear a different domestic logo – which is written in Chinese language. Such tubes will NOT have warranty from [Linlai™ Global] to buyers from outside of above-mentioned Asian regions.
Linlai™ Factory recommends all overseas buyers to purchase with factory authorized vendors for your region, in order to validate your purchase warranty and avoid unnecessary financial losses.