In watching many threads and forums over the years the only 300B tubes that don't seem to have durability issues are the EML, WE and Shuguang Black Treasure. Don't recall ever seeing a single failure of any. I'd say Psvane has a pretty good track record, heard about a few failures, all in early hours. In that case I'd suggest Psvane reliability is subject to tube retailer. I'd expect LinLai to be similar to Psvane. The rest seem pretty close in reliability. I'd like to see new Elrog durability proven.
As to my own experience over about twenty years with wide variety of tubes, signal, rectifier and power, the only failures I've experienced were KR and Fullmusic 845 tubes, Chinese with exception of Fullmusic, and NOS tubes from all over have been just fine.
As to my own experience over about twenty years with wide variety of tubes, signal, rectifier and power, the only failures I've experienced were KR and Fullmusic 845 tubes, Chinese with exception of Fullmusic, and NOS tubes from all over have been just fine.