LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?

I presently am using Sophia Electric 300B mesh-plates and find them to sound good in general.  I originally used the Sophia Royal Princess 300B's and really loved the sound, however in my experience, reliability was really poor and for the price, it wasn't any fun trying to get replacements.  I'm getting ready to order new 300B's however would like to know if any of you have had experience with their WE 300B or their flagship Elite Permaloy 300B.
Thanks... John
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A couple of quick thoughts.  I also had unacceptable tube life from the first generation Elrog 300Bs, but sonically they were a cut above every other tube I tried in my Frankenstein amps, including Black Treasures and the EML XLS.  I did not evaluate the Taks in my amps.   I do think that it is time to acknowledge that Thomas has addressed these issues, although testimony from a user who has found the new Elrogs to be reliable in the Coincident amps would certainly be welcome.  I've moved on from 300B's, but had I not, I would give the new Elrogs a try.  They are that good!
In watching many threads and forums over the years the only 300B tubes that don't seem to have durability issues are the EML, WE and Shuguang Black Treasure. Don't recall ever seeing a single failure of any. I'd say Psvane has a pretty good track record, heard about a few failures, all in early hours. In that case I'd suggest Psvane reliability is subject to tube retailer. I'd expect LinLai to be similar to Psvane. The rest seem pretty close in reliability. I'd like to see new Elrog durability proven.

As to my own experience over about twenty years with wide variety of tubes, signal, rectifier and power, the only failures I've experienced were KR and Fullmusic 845 tubes, Chinese with exception of Fullmusic, and NOS tubes from all over have been just fine.
Thank you to Charles and other's input. And Charles, thanks for more in depth impressions of EML.

I don't want to hijack thread, but for Charles, and anyone else using Coincident Statement pre. I got the MK II upgrade along with further upgrade of Amtrans rotary selector, well worth it!
I've had my Coincident Statement Line Stage since 2009 and it has been an absolute joy for 12 years! I was unaware of a rotary (Assuming volume control?) upgrade. 
I believe that if you were to take a chance on the Elrog you'd really like them, beautiful sound. No audio product receives 100% agreement when it comes to listening impressions and preferences.  @brownsfan finds Elrog superior to the EML XLS , I do not. Different ? Yes but not better as each has its respective strengths.  We  both are  seasoned listeners with discriminating taste (Fair to say I believe). In other words we know what we like,  simple as that.  Bottom line, you can not go wrong with either genuinely fine 300b tube.