LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?

I presently am using Sophia Electric 300B mesh-plates and find them to sound good in general.  I originally used the Sophia Royal Princess 300B's and really loved the sound, however in my experience, reliability was really poor and for the price, it wasn't any fun trying to get replacements.  I'm getting ready to order new 300B's however would like to know if any of you have had experience with their WE 300B or their flagship Elite Permaloy 300B.
Thanks... John
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I'm interested as well. I presently have Linlai Elite 101D mesh plate and Psvane WE101D for use in my Coincident Statement pre. Linlai build quality appears better than Psvane, thicker glass, interior build looks more substantial, much greater weight.

Sound quality somewhat of a toss up. Linlai a bit more warm, inviting, analog sounding in my system, Psvane somewhat lightweight sounding, more emphasis on upper mids, still airier sound is enticing.
I suspect Linlai may soon displace Psvane as premier Chinese tube manufacturer. It seems former head engineer and other critical team members left Psvane to start up Linlai. Read about this at 6moons.