Linn Classik versus Linn Majik

Purely in terms of sound quality, does anyone have any experience as to how the Classik's amplification set up compares to the Linn Majik? I'm trying to decide whether to save money and go with a new Classik, or, for about the same price, pick up a used Linn Majik plus Linn Genki CD player.


Showing 2 responses by sedond

i can't help you regarding the sonics here, but i *can* say i'd be hesitant to buy any amp/pre/tuner that had a cd-player built-in. the rate of advancement is just so great w/digital that the piece will be obsolete in no time - you'll want to either hook another cd-player into it, or sell it...

ymmv, doug s.

kdl, if ya search the archives here, you'll find many subwoofer threads, expressing my opinions, & those of others. here's one of the most recent:

doug s.