
I am on the hunt for a good chair...for small room...don't want it seal to floor...legs preferably...

Question is leather seems to sound better cause it doesn't soak the room of sound....opinions?

I didn't know they paid royalties but I did know that they were the only ones in America who made them to spec. I thought that kind of made them reproductions. Too bad the chrome work is not up to par. The ones I have measure the same and are solid steel, like the originals, but the finish isn't quite mirror like but close enough for the girls I go with. For what Knoll charges for the tables, they should have kept with the 3/4" glass.

Anyway, great furniture. Thanks for the history.

All the best,

milpai - thanks, but that chair is the wrong color for my grey and white HT/listening cave.  There are other colors, but they are not on sale and over $400.  The search continues.  In my price range, I really need to go to discount furniture stores and try out the chairs.  One place where the interweb won't help me.
My friends already think this high-end audio stuff is nuts.  Can't wait to tell them there was a serious discussion about which chairs sound best.