@rvpiano If you are already heavily invested in conventional 2 channel hifi, conduct an experiment...which is moving yourself closer into nearfield 4, 5 or 6ft from speakers and adjust toe-in. Determine if some additional level of envelopment/immersion is being created by the soundfield, trying to shut down the analytical mind.
If that's the case, BACCH processing (by Dr. Choueiri) might be a solution at your regular listening distance...i.e., it can launch you deeper into the recordings..way inside, no longer sitting on the analytical fence periphery.
Or if you are too pressed for space w.r.t a big multichannel rig,, you could even try some nearfield multichannel like the following example.
Guy in the video is using some cheap gear, but, it is to get the general idea.
I know hifi speaker and amp designers who sell you hifi stuff, but, will only do their personal listening (for enjoyment) with above mentioned deviations from hifi stereo purism.
You know, I’m actually thinking of something like that. I realize how much music I’ve been missing, and how much I’m enjoying music now, and how this hobby has corrupted my senses.
It seems a shame after all the dedication and expense I’ve invested to dump everything and start over. But this Hifi addiction has been ingrained in me for so many years it seems almost impossible to break. I’ll have to find some solution that includes both listening methods but not at the same time.
Or, break the addiction. (Not likely.)