Looking for a new tube preamp

Currently using a Cary AES DJH preamp with various 6SN7 tubes & NOS EZ81 rectifier. This is an excellent sounding preamp with point-to-point wiring. Looking to upgrade. Would prefer very realistic uncolored preamp, even better than what I have. What can you suggest? Running a McCormack DNA-1, driving Von Schweikert 4.5 speakers. Silver interconnects and speaker wires, multiple turntables and CD/SACD player. I've read some good things about the Shindo Aurieges. Not sure if its output impedence is a good match for the McCormack. Also thought about Modwright. Upper spending limit is under $4k new.
I upgraded from the DJH to the Cary SLP98 and do not regret the decision one bit.
Buy a Dude....TRL. Others...Wyetech Opal (used), Eklipse, Calypso, Modwright, Dodd. All very good to great.
I'm using a DNA-1 Deluxe in my system. Check out Mapletree Audio Design. I recently had the DR. build me a custom line 2 and it sounds just like what you are looking for.Uses 6SN7 tubes with a 6x5 rectifier. Two chassis design.
Website here http://hollowstate.netfirms.com/