Looking for a phono preamp that has volume control

Looking for a phono preamp that has volume control. I've gone digital and sold my preamp. I don't want to convert the analog to digital and play it thru my DAC. And I miss my records. So I'm looking suggestions, preferably tube phono preamp with  volume control.
Ag insider logo xs@2xjeffex00
+georgehifi recommendation above.  Can't beat the Schitt SYS for $49, and buy whatever phono stage you want.
"Can’t beat the Schitt SYS for $49, and buy whatever phono stage you want. "
That’s not true. Many phono preamps do not put out enough voltage to drive a power amp directly!

One of the top phono stages is rhe manley steelhead it even has an analog volume control and remote controled volume

Clean, quiet, and bulletproof with enormous flexibility, the STEELHEAD is both a tweak-o-holic tube-lover’s dream, and a reviewer’s referenceTwo MC inputs have selectable impedance matching via our beautiful Manley-designed and produced autoformers. Resistive load settings for the MM input and any capacitive loading from 0 to 1100pF will mate the STEELHEAD perfectly to any cartridge. Audiophile-grade components are used throughout. VARI outs can drive amps direct. LINE input replaces your preamp. Outboard PSU and RF Remora Remote control includedWe debuted to the world a killer frikkin’ cool phono stage at CES 2001. It was called, aquatic naming theme continuing, The Steelhead®, as it is an "upstream" device and has a very clever MC variable load auto tranny that we designed and our very own Manley Magnetics department executed (which makes the MC stage so very clever).

Iron = transformer = "steel" makes sense to me..."I’ve had my Steelhead RC for 7 years now. Being an audiophile, a lot of changes have been made to my system through the years, but I’m positive that the Steelhead will never leave."- Le N. (Customer) - "Overall, the Steelhead delivered the best vinyl playback I’ve heard from my system. It combined speed, frequency extension, resolution, harmonic structure, focus, air, stage depth, image specificity, and, most important, overall musical coherence in a way that made the music seem to fly from the speakers unrestrained by mechanical or electrical bounds."- Michael Fremer, Stereophile, December 2001 - "...the Steelhead is a very fine phonostage. And no, you’re not just paying for flexibility — the damn thing sounds great and very easily competes with a purist-design...and well, the Steelhead is so pretty. I guess you could say I’m a fan of the aesthetic. Very MANLEY."- Scot Hull, Part-Time Audiophile, January 2011 - "The Manley Steelhead is a tube phono pre-amp with all the qualities we love about tubes and none of the limitations of those thermionic devices...I lay odds that whatever kind of audiophile you consider yourself to be, you’ll find yourself more involved in the music."- Marshall Nack, Stereo Times, December 2002 - "Whatever cartridge I fed it, the Steelhead would allow me to tweak it to degrees rarely achieved even with other well-specified, highly-flexible phono stages; whoever chose the assorted settings chose wisely...I’m prepared to say that the Steelhead is the best-sounding phono stage I’ve ever experienced."- HomeTheaterReview.com, January 2009

Dave and troy
Audio intellect Nj

Yogiboy raised a good point. You have to consider the input sensitivity (Measured in millivolts/volts) of the power amplifier you intend to drive. Phono stages will vary in this driving voltage capacity. The Icon suggested by tablejockey looks very interesting and seems to address the output voltage issue as does the Manley Steelhead.