Looking for a Reasonably Priced Power Conditioner

I am currently running a modestly priced audio system in a bedroom. The total investment in the system is about $5,000. Here is a link to the virtual system:

Virtual System Link

Currently, I have the components in this system plugged directly into a quad AC wall receptacle. I am interested in picking up a reasonably priced power conditioner for this system to protect the components against spikes and surges and, hopefully, to achieve some sonic benefits as well. At a minimum, I would like for the conditioner to have no adverse effects on sound quality. I will need at least three outlets on the power conditioner to handle all the components in this system (CD player, tuner, amp).

What are your suggestions for a reasonably priced (say $1,000 or less) power conditioner that would make sense for this system?.

Please note that I don't need any advice on dedicated circuits and the like.

Thanks for your help.
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Try the furman elite 15pf--retail is about 600-650-used usually about 300-325--great buy for the money --the next step up in their line goes for 2k--rich
I've been happy with a PS Audio Quintet. It eliminated a slight buzz in my system and lowered the noise floor to utter silence. The Duet shares the same design but has 4 receptacles rather than 10. For $200 used, you can't go wrong. -Mark