Looking for a warm sweet speaker

That images great and resolves without etched treble. I love the british sound, but want something a little more modern sounding. The big Harbeths sound good to me, but the price is just out of my reach. Any American brands that you could suggest? In this day and age it’s getting harder to find brick and mortar dealers or even by appointment dealers that stock the type of speakers I am looking for it seems.

I have analog and digital sources.

Showing 7 responses by mckinneymike

Yes I had given some thought to the Spendors.  Years ago, when I first got into hi-fi the dealer that I worked for carried Spendor, Harbeth, KEF, Rogers and Quad.  I always had a fondness for SP-1's.  The vocal range on the best british monitors always sucked me into listening even if I had other things to do.  
The Silverlines with the DynaAudio drivers are are interesting, as some of my favorite designs over the years used the Dyna drivers.  Thanks for the inputs so far.  I may have to bit the bullet and spend a bit more to get what I really want.
Does anyone have any experiences with Selah Audio? Rick Craig brought his Epico speakers to LSAF this year and it was a very interesting speaker. I am not really into self powered speakers but it was well thought out given what I heard during my brief audition.

563 posts06-10-2018 1:50pm

"Etched treble = dirty power. Fix that first. No reputable speaker company would spend their time, energy and $$$ in manufacturing & marketing a defective product. Just like a professional recording engineer wouldn’t allow etched treble on a master. But, a speaker company would release a speaker that is very sensitive and responsive to HF music signals. Dirty power is most easily heard in the HF, but the entire musical spectrum is affected. If you’re currently using a power conditioner, it isn’t a good one."

Sorry but please spare me the rhetoric as too your ideas as to why I hear what I hear. I have been involved with the highest levels of audiophile systems since the late 70’s. I haven’t been actively shopping for the past 5-7 years so I was attempting to get some opinions from like minded people.

Far too many of the highest praised modern audiophile speakers with metal tweeters are just etched and hard sounding to me. I simply prefer a bit of sweetness and body vs the nth degree of detail in my systems, which is why I prefer quality tubed components personally. We all have choices to make in assembling our systems. There is room for everyone’s wants and desires in this hobby.
I decided to pick up a pair of Spendor D7's for right now.  I found a really nice pair for less than $4K so I will give these modern boxes a chance.  If I like them I may go for the D9's after the new year.  I almost bought a pair of the Harbeth 40.1, but always like Spendors.  I foresee myself upgrading a couple times to get what I really want, but the D7's should do well and into the new year.I ordered a Hana DL to use on my VPI Classic 3.  Thanks for the suggestions.