Looking for a warm sweet speaker

That images great and resolves without etched treble. I love the british sound, but want something a little more modern sounding. The big Harbeths sound good to me, but the price is just out of my reach. Any American brands that you could suggest? In this day and age it’s getting harder to find brick and mortar dealers or even by appointment dealers that stock the type of speakers I am looking for it seems.

I have analog and digital sources.
The de Capos are detailed not colored fairly neutral   excellent speakers and as said above  great with tubes

i use mine for a 4 watt sep amp

Harbeth M-40.1's occasionally come available slightly more or less than your $7,500 budget.   

Hmm, maybe I'm using different terminology than you are, but when I think 'warm' that tends to make me think of a rather smoothed treble response instead of a resolving one. 

For resolution without harshness it's hard to beat Revel, especially the new Be series, though I'd call them neutral and not warm.  

When I think 'warm' I think the original Elac Debut series, Wharfedale's Diamond line, or the new JBL L100 Classics - a forgiving slightly 'old school' sound that gives up detail and emphasizes the midbass.  

Dynaudio and B&W may be worth looking into for you, I'd consider them to be on the warmer side of neutral.