looking for advice on bookshelf speakers

I am a audiophile who suffers frequent headaches. I still try and listen to music daily . I am only able to listen for an hour at a time. My current speakers are Paradigm Studio Reference 40 v2's . The treble is the hardest part for my listening sessions. Can people tell me of a good monitor that has mild treble . Maybe laid back is a good term for what i am looking for.I will be buying used with a budget of say $1,000 to $1500. If you know of any, that would be a great help. Also maybe a certain integrated amp would have a more pleasing sound ? Thank you !
At low to medium volume levels, I find the sound of my Jolida 102B driving Totem Model One Signatures to be very musical, dynamic, and nonfatiguing. In fact, one of the few criticisms of the Model Ones in numerous reviews was a little reticence in the high end. As I've mentioned in prior posts, don't let the relatively low power of the Jolida deter you. Generally speaking, I've found tubes to provide a mellower, more engaging musicality, particularly when compared to less expensive solid state. Of course, I've upgraded tubes and cabling to further improve the sound.
Timrhu Wow your the first person I ever heard that prefers the sound of a lower line in the Dynaudio product lineup.
As a Dyn owner I agree that turning them up because you want more. With the new focus series out there is a good possibility the dealer may have some good pricing on used.

It surprised me just how little I liked the 1.3SEs as I had high expectations. Got a good deal on the 110s so I thought I'd try them and resell them if they didn't work. I do enjoy them though, makes me want to look into the 140s.
Although I don't think my wife would care, the price of the C1s is more than I care to spend. I have considered the S1.4s but was turned off by the 1.3 experience. It isn't the first time I have preferred a lower model in a speaker line-up though.

IMO swapping the tweeter sounds like a bad idea unless you just like experimenting. It would greatly reduce the value of the Paradigms if you wanted to sell them.
Timrhu I've never listened to the focus line because the day I heard the C1's that was exactly the sound I wanted and I didn't want to price justify anything. It was a matter of coming up with the $$$$$$$$$$'s. Got them about 3 weeks later. Anyhow since then I upgraded to the Signatures. Believe it or not they are even clearer sounding. They also sound better at lower volumes but not sure if they play as loud (long story). If you get a chance check out the new focus (supposed to be extremely close sounding to the contours).
As mentioned above, the Fritz Carbon 7's would be a good choice in your situation. Audition them if you can.