Looking for amplifier kits.

A friend of mine is looking for amplifier kits (I'm not there yet). He found NAD and Levinson but is looking for a lower cost kit. Has anyone found an entry level kit that is tolerable for an audiophile or, better yet, a steal out there--a gem--a diamond in the rough? Lynne
I don't think that NAD or Levinson ever offered anything in "kit" form, so I am not sure what you are asking about.

If, indeed you are looking for actual kits to assemble, I second the Bottlehead mentioned above. I have a Seduction phono stage and LOVE it.

There are also some Audio Note kits that are supposed to be quite good.

I too am surprised by the NAD and Levinson. I can't see Levinson risking their name on a kit that someone could botch up. Lynne