Looking for info on SP Revelation speakers

Just picked these up. A little dinged but sound excellent. There’s not much info online and i was hoping you fine folks could shed some light on some details. There is a link attached to some pictures. Thank you in advance
They are really good speakers, and they were pretty expensive when new. I only heard the small standmounters once, but you have the big floorstanders. The designer focused on big dynamics and low distortion, and those solid wood waveguides are beautiful. Some were just black. He made some beautiful crossovers, which as I recall were sometimes visible from a window in the back. SP went under and he tried to start again under a different name, but that company failed as well.
I would consider those speakers a treasure.  
Thank you so much for the info...the back was not marked so i removed the panel and took some pictures of the inside. Do you think these are original? Oh and i also found a porn magazine wedged in the bottom 😬. What would you do to restore these to their former glory? Do you have any idea of the original cost?
That is one of my main concerns, it looks like there us no crossover, the speaker wires are haphazardly taped together,  and the speaker wire is jist coming out of a hole in the back panel. Seems a little low budger for speakers that are supposed to cost so much.
I had a pair of these that were recently destroyed in a flood caused by the remnants of hurricane Ida. Mine had outboard crossovers. I had the crossovers on a shelf so they didn't get damaged. You are welcome to them if you need them.
That is a real shame! I wonder why someone would have removed the crossovers. They were really expensive speakers, and I do remember the outboard crossover option. It is very kind of bnut311 to offer those expensive crossovers.
Absolutely a shame that they were so poorly modified, and yes extremely wohderful of bnut311 and a testimony to this wonderful community 
Depending on the version--from I to V in Roman numerals, They cost was between $15,000-$30,000. They are very dynamic and will scale volume as well as any speaker. Great soundstage info and beautiful vocals. Despite the detail, they don’t hurt the ears at any sane level. They also have a 360 degree radiation pattern so sitting, standing or moving around, they still sound fantastic. The bass is to die for period. I have a pair of the MK-V speakers that I did a Star Sound points/ Inverted Couplers mod to that involved a little carpentry. But it made the sound more dynamic and with greater detail. I also have a fine pair of VMPS RM40 BCSE speakers with all the upgrades except the OXO. The SP Tech Revs have several advantages over the 40s which are already really good speakers--such as ability to play loud at most any volume, deep bass that won't break up, and the 360 degree radiation pattern to name a few.

Thank you for the information. I cant wait to get them back up and running and hear it for myself.
You can contact the owner and designer for the former SP Tech through here.  If you get the outboard crossover from the other member Bob should be able to help you get yours back to like they should be.
