Looking for “just good enuf” for garage man cave

This might be too sophisticated a group but I’ll try anyway!

i have a 25 ft x 27 ft heated garage with cable TV. I am looking for an audio system solution for under $1000.00. Objectives are for GOOD ENUF (not great) for both TV audio and music audio in formats of CD, USB wired or BT connected audio devices, streamed music from WI-FI connection, AM/FM tuner. WILL NOT NEED FOR LP playback ….probably going to be used only 5-15 times per year … which for me rules out more elaborate solutions.

One simple solution is a decent sound bar for the TV (Bose, Samsung et al) + an all in one microsystem (lG, Sony others) that achieves the man-cave requirements listed above.

I have searched for one receiver + speaker combo but it always gets limited by either it great for TV but not music (either by TV to receiver connection or by speaker config) or VICE VERSA.

ALL ideas greatly appreciated 


I would stick with 2 channel audio system. Receiver or integrated amplifier with outboard AM/FM tuner. Many newer 2 channel ones have digital inputs in addition to analog ones. If one you find lacks USB input purchase a USB/SPDIF converter for coax input.  Separate bluetooth receivers can be purchased that output analog. 

There are many budget speakers on the market that are very good sounding. check out the speaker threads herein.  

Consider the used market.

A great 'good enuf' system can be had for 1K!

Check out cheapaudioman on youtube...he covered this topic within the last week.

If you keep your eyes open, you can find a Radio Shack STA2000 receivers, designed by Foster aka Fostex for a few hundred dollars. The STA-2100's are selling for a LOT more. They are the best receiver I have ever heard, and beat the pants off of plenty of seperates. From there, you are on your own, I don't know much about less expensive gear.

Yeah that’s one of the good old Realistic Receivers.  I remember it well.