Looking for my Final Pair!!

Been through the high end maelstrom for over 30 years and although I have enjoyed the ride, I desperately want to find speakers that exude dynamics, tone and presence.  I want to be transported to the Village Vanguard where The John Coltrane Quartet are performing any night I desire.  I want to feel the timbre of his sax 🎷. When I close my eyes I want to be enveloped by the atmosphere of the space and awash with the impact and emotion being expressed by the musicians.  I don’t want to hear what the engineers hear after they mix a recording...I want to be in the studio when the tracks are being laid down!  So far, Tannoy Heritage Arden have come to my attention, Klipsch Cornwall IV’s, JBL S4700’s or perhaps Spatial Audio X3’s?  Help
Phew what a read.  My lord does this Raul guy even listen to music?Maybe while he types these novels.  LOL what a waste of time.  I have been on a journey with many amps and the Forte III over the last year and I think you are in for a real treat with the Decware amp you ordered.  Of the many amps I've used, First Watt J2 and F6, Pass 30.8, Theta Prometheus, Naim Atom and Nova the little Zen triode is my fav by far.  To the point I don't think I could have a speaker that an amp like this can't drive.  I've ordered the Cornwall IV myself and hoping they give me that little bit more bass and slam the Forte III lack in my large room. BTW I dumped my Kef Blades after hearing the Forte IIIs for some time in my main system compared to the Blades.  
I think you need to upgrade..........not so much your speakers as your point of view. 
Upgrade my POV?  Sweet Jesus....what in dear God’s name are you selling, I mean talking about?
Sanders sound system. 
  Speakers and amps, crossover. 
  Heaven. Concert level volumes. Crystal clear.  Best warranty in audio, 
    30 day in home trial.  You will KEEP the system.