Looking for reviews of Zyx Airy 3 silver vs copper

I've seen a couple reviews of the copper version but nothing on the silver. Anyone heard them both?
I'm using the silver on a JMW 12.6 and it's very nice together. Haven't heard the copper version except at shows. Mehran @ Sorasound recommended the silver based on my system.
Many comments you'll read are about the copper version sounding "better", but it likely system-dependent. FWIW, the silver is supposed to be a bit sweeter tonally, and the copper more neutral. Either way, the ZYXs are great performers, and allow me to enjoy my LPs more than any other I've heard. Cheers,

There's a good discussion of your question on this thread:



I wouldn't say the copper sounds "better". Its transient response is faster and more lively/lifelike than the silver. I've heard this on multiple A/B ZYX comparisons. Whether you'd like one or the other is a matter of taste. (Of course I might have an opinion on whose taste is "better", but that's for another thread!) ;-)


P.S. Say "hi" to Raul for me next week, and for goodness sake make sure whoever meets him at the airport brings a warm coat, hat, muffler, mittens and a pint of brandy. The poor man's going to freeze. He was shivering here (CT) in December, and you remember how warm it was then.
That will be me at the airport. Of course, we're having the coldest week of the winter, but we will be sure to keep Raul warm with my MA1 amps and Slipknot's Wolcotts!
Good decision going with the Copper....Enjoy it.
If budget allows, change your order for a UNIverse.