Looking to get the best out of Redbook Cd listening with Dac a d Transport under 5K?

Hi guys! Ex Audiophile out of touch for many years now! Looking to purchase Dac and Transport to listen to my large Cd collection! Not sure where to go! Thanks Larry
I like your idea of sticking with the transport/dac option for now and adding streamer later. I recently paired the Cambridge CXC transport to a Mirror Audio Tubadour III DAC and like the result. 

At your budget you could get the Jay's Audio transport and DAC with XLR outputs. 
I just purchased the Schiit-Yggdrasil DAC a couple weeks ago. It is allowing my media to sound amazing. I’m hearing old CDs that now sound  high resolution. I’m very impressed with it. Paired it with the Schiit FreyaS preamp and two Vidar amplifiers in mono to my Dynaudio Focus 260 speakers. The entire setup is sounding amazing. 
OP we have sold Chord in the past and the QBD 76 is completely outdated.

You really have to ask yourself if you really want to continue to spin CDs.

Soix suggested an Innous Mini which is indeed excellent, you can just burn all of your CDs and move into the modern world of streaming as well as having 100% access to your entire library.

One great dac is the Aqua Hifi La Voice which is a bit under $5k. The dac sounds very analog like and it has the advantage of never becomming obsolete. 

Aqua is the only company we know that makes completely upgradable digital solutions. So instead of being a fixed piece of hardware you can upgrade the digital as new technlogies come into existance.

There is a real difference in upgradable hardware vs software/firmware upgrades, usually the biggest change in digital is when a new piece of hardware superceedes an older bit of technlogy, with the Aqua the entire dac is made up from individual boards usally 8-10 boards so the entire dac can evolve. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Aqua dealers

"One great dac is the Aqua Hifi La Voice which is a bit under $5k."

The product you are referring to is spelled La Voce (not La Voice).