Looking to upgrade a new cart to my TT

I currently have a Dynavector 20xl2L on my Luxman PD-171 TT. But I want to go up one more notch. My dealer sells EAT, Ortofon and Dynavector carts. The three on my list is the Ortofon Cadenza Blue, the Dynavector xx-2 and the EAT Jos No5. Ken Kessler gave a big thumbs up to the EAT. My phono is in my Luxman CL38U SE w/a pair of Aerial 5T's and a JL Audio D-110. Any opinions on these carts would be appreciated. 
I've had the Dynavector Karat 17DX cart on my Luxman TT for about a week and I couldn't be more impressed. The bass is deep and detailed. The top end still has bite but no harshness. Also greater detail in the background instruments and singers. Plenty of air between singers and instruments. I played the song Summer by War a track which has numerous instruments in including Kettle drums plus a variety of singers. You could clearly hear everything. Prior to this I had a 20XL2 which is an excellent cart but the 17DX is truly a big step up. The cantilever is just 1.7mm long. You really have to look to find it. Dynavector provides you w/a brush for the tip. They say not to use any commercial cleaners or vibrators. Lots of great carts in this price range. If your looking one you should consider. By the way the phono I'm using is in my Luxman CL38U SE a three tube design. Won't go past 10 o'clock w/out the neighbors pounding the ceiling. Also sounds great for late night listening.