Looking to use the Bluesound Vault 2i High-Res 2TB Network Hard Drive CD Ripper/Streamer

Hello All,

I'm basically looking to use this as my "mega" disc cd player. Back in the day I had a Pioneer 101 disc cd player. I loved it. I'm kind of looking to go back as I miss listening to my cd's. So I'm looking to rip all my old cd's, connect this unit to my processor and use it as my cd player...I have no experience with this unit or "ripping" cd's. Will I get the same quality sound and can I use this unit as basically a mega disc cd player?

Thanks All!
No I don't think it plays CDs just rips and you playback the Flac files. If you're wondering if the files sound as good as the CD you'll get differing opinions. In my subjective opinion they do. I can't tell one from the other. 
Hello djones51,

Thank you for responding. Sorry this is all new, a Flac file? Can this be done through the Bluesound once my cd collection has been ripped? I'm thinking I connect the Bluesound to the cd output on my processor, rip all my cd's and then somehow access and play through the app I download and they all play back via the Bluesound? 
You insert the CD into the vault and it will copy the CD to the internal drive in Flac format or Wav format whichever you choose. Yes, you use the app for playback. 
In addition to what djones51 suggested, hardwired Vault2i to your router using a good quality Ethernet cable with RJ45 connectors. Next step would be to subscribe to Tidal or Qobuz for high resolution streaming. They both offer 30 days trial.

To answer your question, your CD rips on Vault 2 should sound decent, lot of it depends on RCA cable and AV processor you’re using. You would connect Vault 2 (RCA outs) to your processor CD Input not output with a RCA interconnect cable. Mind you, folks here have achieved better sound by connecting Vault or Node 2 with an external DAC.

I own a Vault 2 and use it mainly for CD rips and as a back up to my Aurender streamer.
Harley writes that the rips sound better in his Complete Guide...
They are at least as good and a lot more convenient. There's that.
It's easier to rip on the computer if you are picky about tags like I am.