Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 

Showing 50 responses by mahgister

Coolist or warmist...The story remind me of Jonathan Swift...A new version of the digital versus analog debate.... :)

When the house is not safe, and I dont speak here about temperature rise or decreasing, they are many other treats (asteroids for examples or wars, or big volcanos) and when humanity needs to be one, for the first times in history, only fools debate opposed in 2 camps, Coolist and Warmist...

The house need to be one, nevermind the reason, harmonization of mind is the only thing that an intelligent species can do to survive in this era...Only true science can arrive to some conclusions, but humanity cannot wait for a definitive scientific conclusion sometimes before acting ONE in one direction...The direction is less important than being ONE and acting...Because after being ONE humanity could or will correct the course of action, if it is the wrong direction...

I apologize for my rant....I only hope people will unite in some way....

We enters dangerous waters!

Perhaps it will be better to not stop thinking without drawing conclusions...

Thanks Nonoise for the original musical take indeed … :)

But I think instead more with the final movement of the Beethoven ninth...
Unity is not only an hippies utopia, it is a working fact of life but visible and totally manifested only at greater scale than what we currently envisioned... End of the preach brothers!

My best...

By the way I also think like the OP. that sound is better in winter, more dry, more crispy; under snow, jazz is cool...  I will say cooler...  :)
The problem with the term "climate change" is that it should have been called "pollution and overpopulation." Because even those politically in denial of the former cannot deny the latter.
Wise words...

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that some of the most ardent proponents of tweaks on this site have trouble with mainstream scientific thought.

There is many exceptions...

I will only add that no one can deny that humanity is at a critical point... At this point, opinions, dogmas, facts, count less than, in us, the strong desire, the affirmative will, to listen to each others, and to unite us to face the greatest challenges that will come... These challenges will not necessarily be those for which we wait for...

I dont want to be off-topic if I say that I like Oregonpapa last post...

I will not say it for the sake of the topic... :)

I will only say that his snowy hairs and perhaps beard are very good, like snow, for sound, probably the reason of his clearly great audio enthusiasm....
All solutions to all problems are already available now.... The only thing that lacks is the collective conscious organized good will...Nothing else is necessary... This the apex of the actual historical mankind tragedy...

We will die not because we lack something, we will die because we will not use it.... :)
The socialism versus capitalism debate is a 19 century old and dusty fact that look now more like two eyelets for horses ....We must see and care for the 22 th century because the 21 th century is way on his course already....We need new thinking from the bottom to up, not the reverse...And this cannot be oligarchy (usa) nor authoritarian socialism(china)...

I will suggest a key word : participative democracy... A concept rarely and seriously contemplated...The conditions for his implementation are for sure incompatible with many of the actual social economic politic conditions...

By the way if we must go with the topic: Snow is key to the survival of our spirit and not only for better sound ( a dry winter is best for sound here)...Hexagonal symmetry is a teaching, linked to the prime numbers, and key to understanding the universal memory.... A truly desired awakening indeed... :)

Ok ,i apologize for abusive use of this thread topic...  
The biggest problem is to create a new concept of money ( that problem is solved but this is not very known)...The communication problem ( local small community distant from more distant participating one ) is now solved...

To be on topic: Let imagine that the constant creation of SNOW and his constant melting process is an able metaphor for a new creative process,a living new concept of money that does not accumulate without melting progressively and which value correlate in his variation to real economic work ...

I am vey proud to be on topic.... :)

Any treat, whatsoever the treat, never mind the treat, or the real causes behind a treat, the most important thing that eclipse all the rest, is a unifying collective consciousness with a common goal...Arguing about detailed precise causes is good for creating science, or destroying the topic on a forum, but a long way to the essential... :)

The snow flakes can ask about where comes the cold or the heat, or can think about the signification of their hexagonal form, the same form with not one identical tough...They cannot change the cold or heat phenomena, coming from their activity in certain zones, less in others one, but they can unite in thinking....Hexagonal geometry is universal after all...

Hexagonal geometry is best for sound....

Only some fact among numerous others :

I am back on the topic.... :)
Peterson does not deny climate change at all...Perhaps you must listen to before typing ? :)

I am certain that he knows very well the apocalyptic fact i speak about that is the insects decline for example...His point is : How can we unite humanity pragmatically speaking ? He says that directly confronting climate change is not so simple, easy or realist... He makes a point...And I think that the most important thing now is a way to create a more conscious unified humanity... A universal program to nourish and educate seems to me relatively easy to makes happen and low cost...

And by the way this classification of reality between right and left is total blindness except for historical understanding... Try other categories and concepts...Kindergarten thinking is not mandatory even in politics or in economics...Right winger and left winger are so stupid they look like brothers... Awaking is necessary, and letting go of binaries thinking...
I think the same... The better will not be to work mainly against climate change so much than against ourself, to go in the same direction... Nourishment of humanity, and education, are the only keys to survival...And paradoxically the best way to batlle against climate change...The best way is not always to face directly a treat...

Sometimes simple solution are good for the spirit but not necessarily complete "solution" in a pragmatical way...There is no simple solution, but sometimes there exist exception, for example it is possible to clean the ocean, and I hope we will do it... It is possible to plant trees and I hope we will do it.... All these simple solutions are less the solutions for climate change in itself than solutions to unite humanity... And this is the most important...

If I think about that, you comes from the future and it is normal that you already know that... Me I must imagine all that from the past....   :)
I am a lobster who like to read... :) Dont be so irritate, we only speak our ideas... My best to you... 
It is not necessary to look for apocalyptic information in bible or in some fools sectarian delirium, left or right...

National geographic is not Nature, but it is not religious stuff no more than it is sectarian prophecies...

If insects decline does not alert you, change your field of study, or better, enjoy life and quit science; audio field is a good idea tough, not too complicated, but anyway a bit more complicated than we all think, nevermind, we can all fuck... :)
Nonoise you totally simplified or caricature his sayings worse, you make him say something he never said nor wanted to say... What can we say?

Have you ever read his books and listen to his course?

But you are right, I dont think that he is the greatest thinker, by a long shot, but I read his book 10 years ago by the way, and he is a smart thinker... My best to you, I like your posts anyway because you are interesting and you are polite...I wish you the best...
Peterson is not an idiot, except for those who cannot read his main book, not the best selling one by the way, the other one...

His advice to nourish humanity and educate it, is pretty much the only one planned solution for developing a collective conscious goal oriented humanity... This is astonishing when you think that making that happen will not cost so big money compared to the armed forces budget of only one nation (guess which one? ). His citation of Bjorn Lomberg is interesting...

For the "American thinker" reference I am not very interested tough… :)

But thanks builder3 for the video...
Peterson is an opportunistic scam artist, taking advantage of the gullible.
Granted, he’s a right smart psychologist and a leader in his field of personality traits, cited more than 10,000 time but not a peep after 2010.
I dont want to say nothing else than citing your own words and called for a bit of thinking about that citation...Deep thinking..... :)

I am sorry , and I really dont want to offend you, nor Djones at all...But we must think before excommunicating people...

By the way the other affirmation of yours is totally false...I dare not to correct it, you must by yourself if you cares about truth...

Then he gets pissed off over addressing some people not by their birth gender pronouns and then he’s off to the races.

hint: Peterson oppose to law intervention in language.... WHY ?

second hint:  do you remember an important article of US constitution law?

millercarbon you are right...

I will only say that he is not stupid at least...

But the greatest thinker of this times cannot be very known, by definition his idea are not accessible to us poor brains... :)

Sorry I cannot resist to tease you with a grain of salt...
If someone want to think, he must forget the labelling game, and the binary thinking... I am sorry ….

It is evident you never study his writings...

Ok why do we forget all that stuff about this guy and comes back to the snow effect....Indeed I think that snowing add something to my joy, listening music to this "white noise" ...
It is snowingly beautiful here, much more, since I dont work anymore and do not need to go hurrying against the wind....I can see that with children’s eye now...The sound is better for the ears because the eyes are clearer...Whiteness all around...Silence is white even in the blackness of the night....
Thanks for your kind words and wise observation indeed... My best to you you asvjerry ...

I think the center of a rose is always the center of some heart, and perhaps the center of a snowflake is the center of a universe....

I apologize for observing in a poetic manner, that a water molecule, perfectly mirror the entire universe, and perhaps it is the reason why water is associated with life mysteries... :)

We know not much about water, nor about snowflake... And like you know poet know nothing, except for the first time or at the first look... But after all metaphor are way more deep than some equations, except for sure Riemann dzeta function that encompasses them all,  but  this encompassing,is it like a rose? Or like a snowflake? This is the question indeed... :)

My best to you from poetry land...
Hating is only blinders at least... And hating makes impossible the thinking process...Nevermind, left or right, hating hides itself behind all narrow distinctions, and promotes them...Forget Peterson, who cares ?...We can read something else...But we must thinks without hate.... My best to you and all...
Exactly my point... I listen to the acoustic reverberation and it is beautiful... Each pipes has his own texture and now i hear it clearly...Bliss indeed... I know this cd files for 30 years, and I think that this hypnotic playing was never met by another ...I am moved to listen to it for the first times really...

There is other audio system implementation way better than my audio system, but I am on this threshold now where more is better but it is not absolutely frustrating if you cannot afford it...Music is music, no more 2-d sound, then this musical experience in my room is enough for me...I am proud to have created this by myself tough... :)

By the way, 6 months ago, I wrote a short review of these speakers on Hifiengine, and I just read that another guy who made some measurements confirm my impression and also my bass appreciation of these more than good speakers...Mission Cyrus 781.....

I take much time to choose not only my speakers, but my dac and amplifier...It is not easy feat when you cannot listen to them before buying... I study hundred of hours, probably one thousand :) but at the end my choice are so good and the price paid so low that I cannot resist to smile each time I think about that....I calculate that a real upgrade of my electronic components, to really more than just improve them a little but going much higher, will cost me around 15,000 dollars...It is something when you think that the total cost of my amp+dac+ speakers is 200 hundred dollars, if I dont count 100 dollars for the cleaning of the amp and replacement of old catalytics...A deal...Even homemade and low cost, my tweaks cost me more … :) But remember that without my tweaks these remarkable electronic components sound like trash to my ears before the tweaks, if not trash, they sound "dead" and I was not happy even if I know that they are the best electronic audio components for the price ….Without the embedding tweaks no system play at his potential, never mind the price... :)
I quit for a walk and I come back to witness another mess... I miss the snow... :)

Better to listen to Bach organ, the answers are all there, particularly clear answers with Helmuth Walcha playing....... Enjoy...
For sure no tweakings, cleaning, controlling, modifiying, will transform my 6 inches bass Mission Cyrus 781 Driver in a 12 inches driver...But I dont need anymore bass at all...I own already a pro subwoofer and I never install it more than a few minutes....:) One of the most important thing is not so much , how deep your speakers can go, but how clear the frequencies will be, producing a cut-off  but tactile clear bass and an holographic image of each organ stops... 

Then you will be impressed by my 40 hertz bass, and mostly a 3-dimensional imaging of the multiple organ stops I never listen to before my tweakings...I cannot stop listening the 12 hours of Walcha Bach... I want but I cannot... :) That speaks volume about my broken Speakers the best speakers of Mission by the way... I had like you know already more than 25 golden plates in my audio system + all other tweaks and they works...

I think that almost all audio system had a tremendous potential that it is possible to awaken modulo the right tweaks...But you know already all that...And you are lucky to be able to afford the Omega Path Technology... I will not kill myself because I cannot tough, I am lucky to own the "poor’s" version of something relatively equivalent that works also very well even if it is not so good for sure... My best to you...
The performance you can wring out of even the cheapest gear is way more than people think
You are right Millercarbon, and more than that, the performance of a one million dollars system will be under his potential without the right implementation tweaks...I listen to one on youtube… For sure I listen to this one through mine, not really to it... :)

But this was sufficient to know for sure what this system was lacking. It sounded like a fatiguing microscope, even through my system, not like a musical fluid instrument... Even through my cheap audio system I was able to detect this evident flaw, unbeknownst to the owner because he cannot imagine that after paying this amount of money for an audio system he missed the essential part and that part would be and must be the acoustical, vibrational, electro, embeddings with the necessary tweaks...( Most people trust only electronic components and measurements for warrenty of audio quality, almost nothing else and beside that anyway, most people dont trust their own ears ) It will cost under 500 dollars to transform this one million system in a pure musical instrument... But if we must saiy that to this proud one million dollars audio system owner's, I am not sure that he will listen to the freaks tweaks …. :)

The Cyrano with Depardieu is indeed one of the best film for me for a while... :)

My best to you Nimble asvjerry...


I think that my delirious immodest rant is better than the tempest of the late hours ….At least it is an excuse for my rant indeed.... My best to you...

 Thanks to qualify my atrocious  and awful use of the English language by the word "literary" ….I apologize to all  the children of Shakespeare...
People dont understand it seems that these matters about climate change are too much complicated  to be exposed in a "political" superficial way  in an audio thread... And people dont understand that throwing oil in a fire is children play.... :)

Thanks Millercarbon...

These video of Alan watts are marvellous....It remind me of my astonishment when I read it 45 years ago...This man awaken my intuition in a very open and easy way... 
I am an optimist, because for me death is only a word and the transformation of a little speck of matter called " my body"...

But I am very pessimist because of the unnecessary suffering before death...

The will to look for truth is the key to free ourself from ourself...

Perhaps truth is too precious to be owned...

Perhaps truth is this light at the end of the tunnel, that comes only if you called for it....

Alas! asvjerry I try my best, but I can only badly imitate you...

Good night my is late indeed...

Thanks nonoise…. I am in love with the organ in my tweaked audio system... A bit short tough.... :)

Thanks very much for this beautiful video of Alan Watts...

"Never wake up" coexist eternally with waken up... For me this is the scale of the universal consciousness, freeing itself from itself, being with and without object, co extensive from the void to the plenum... Like the silence between chord...

For me there exist a photo of this universal consciousness; mathematics, and music, gives to us, for one, the skeleton and for the other, the expressive face of this miraculous Being of which we all participate...

Good night my friend....

We cannot wait for science, except from mathematics, there is not a truth, but way more than that, a vision of fertile unending  force....

Love and contemplation is the key....

I understand your vision, and what is the lucid critical intelligence that justify it and which ask for...

But ultimately, even in Mathematics, the truth of an idea, the veracity of a perspective on life or on numbers, is justified not by his apparent truthfulness but by his fertility...This is the ultimate view because we are free creative beings...We must choose in which world we will inhabit because we will create it... Being a nothingness or a plenum it is our choice at the end like at the beginning...All is equal yes; except by this criteria and question all is decided : which is the most fertile action, idea, or imagination?

Because it is the most fertile that connect us all....

I choose what is the most fertile....Mathematics teach that also since Kurt Godel… Philosophy must know that since Goethe that place fertility above sterile truths...And Love is only after all the union of truth and fertility.... :)
My salutations glupson
Have you ever considered the possibilty that the truth is there is no other transformation but physical decay?
Sometimes our belief comes from irresistible experience and intellectual fact that are impossible to negate... I cannot make you see with my eyes, nor this world, nor the skeleton of the universal memory, nor living with his living flesh, but I can assure you, by my own only tough, for me it is a fact, no more a possibility, all that exist exist like a part, like an organ of this universal memory... Numbers and geometry are for me way more than dead numbers and dead geometry...( before my relative understanding of quantum mechanics about the concept of "thing" that lives and that decay, numbers were my great revelation about the stuff that makes all )...So in consequence of that, the complete annihilation in a timing fashion, in a timelike manner, the absolute disappearance of anything, makes absolutely no sense at all... Time is not what we think it is...All that exist, exist, and transform itself linked with all there is, and this eternal and infinite origin is the only free source of all that exist and this origin which is a source does not live neither in the past nor in the future...

I speak about "universal memory", if I speak about my own vision motivated by the experience of numbers, but William Blake this great genius, the only one not afraid of Newton, speaks about "divine imagination"... It is the same thing perceived at different angles...

When i said in another past posts here about "snow", that a snowflake literally reflect and mirror the universe it was literally true for me geometrically speaking and arithmetically...The rest is a necessary constructive creation of this process in which we all participate...

The sequence of prime numbers reflects and betrays the existence and the skeleton of a living memory, the metabolism of creative imagination...The rest is love or dust....

My perceiving smile join your skeptical one, and perhaps the two can make a world ?... :)

My best to you...
Probably there is no big bang at all, it is only our interpretation linked to a bad concept of what time is... The flow of time is already oriented in 2 ways: action in one direction, information, in the other direction...These direction are neither the past nor the future anyway...

Physics perhaps must be written with some other differential equations than the ordinary one if we want to take into account these 2 directions...
Reading myself, and not able to erase my post after the 30 minutes , I realize that my words sound like from the mouth of a Guru... :)

Perhaps I will ask for your money?

And then I will buy the Zotl Berning Amplifier, and the Harbeth speakers, and the Denafrips Terminator dac….And tweaks their embeddings …

A very cautious study of the ratio price/ quality audio market, push me toward these pieces of audio...They are not the best there is, but they are known universally and praised, and never bashed products...I had faith in Berning amplifier, without ever listening to them, faith that this zotl tech will beat the Sansui AU 7700, a legend from 1978...My speakers after my Tannoy were the smaller Mission Cyrus 781, one very good speakers in the mid or low price market, I had no doubt that the Harbeth will eat them, even as good as they are...For the dac,Starting Point Systems NOS dac, the one I own is already so marvellous for price,i cannot hope anything way better under the price of the Denafrips Terminator... This all amount to 15,000 dollars...( I add a power supply)….

I am very sad to announce the dissolution of my sect, for moral grounded reasons.... :) Keep your money....

I am sad tough....Even if I can live with my tweaks actual system the way it is....

Geoffkait was right, there is no cure... :)

 Contemporary astrophysics is not an absolute truth, it is a continuous endeavor like other practical sciences...

For example for Sir Roger Penrose, whose cosmology is not amateurish, there is no beginning and no end...

Thermodynamics is only a fragment of a more universal science and  vision, then any conclusion by thermodynamics on the fate of the universe is very narrow vision...

I prefer mathematics....And for a mathematician, speaking of limitations or finite things only, is a way too much narrow to only work with that...Infinite is the smallest game in town...

More than that it is possible with mathematics yoga to sustain a clear vision... Alas! it is not possible to impose a vision, we must work wit it really....And at the end fertility of vision is the only goal...
I cannot stop listening Bach organ opus, (12 hours) and I am at my second listening in 2 days … :)

I can really say that Bach is snowing now....

Before my tweaking listening the organ was boring and pain in the ass.... :)
Mozart and Handel are so great indeed that I am a bit surprized each times I listen to them....

After 17 hours with Bach organ perhaps I need to be suprized? 
Penrose Theory is not steady state ….

And I cite only Penrose to name an alternative example... There is no absolute truth in astrophysics at this hour in the history of mankind …. :)

If you want to know truth before dying, it is necessary to study other books than astrophysics.... Love and numbers are my 2 books...


 That which is a "Nothing" cannot return to another nothingness...Nothing is only that: nothing...

No information (and all there is, is information) can disappear and has ever disappeared; more than that the matrix containing all information with all parts linked already in a living play is there for any of us to see... The distribution of primes numbers is  the music of memory... Can I gives you a glimpse of that in a superficial but astonishing way?

 Here is the most complex object of the universe, it is not a brain, whose complexity is ridiculously small, not even the entire visible universe whose complexity compared to that is non existant :

This is a beginning fragment of an object whose complexity is infinite...And this is the more simple photo of the universal memory matrix at resting....
First does not confuse religion, an organised political party, with spiritual insights...

Second there exist only one absolute truth expressible only in an intellectual plane :

the distribution of primes numbers is absolute fact, more real than the table where you type these words, even for angels or extraterrestrials...

Love is another absolute fact in the spiritual plane...

I know none other....
More to discover