The performance you can wring out of even the cheapest gear is way more than people thinkYou are right Millercarbon, and more than that, the performance of a one million dollars system will be under his potential without the right implementation tweaks...I listen to one on youtube… For sure I listen to this one through mine, not really to it... :)
But this was sufficient to know for sure what this system was lacking. It sounded like a fatiguing microscope, even through my system, not like a musical fluid instrument... Even through my cheap audio system I was able to detect this evident flaw, unbeknownst to the owner because he cannot imagine that after paying this amount of money for an audio system he missed the essential part and that part would be and must be the acoustical, vibrational, electro, embeddings with the necessary tweaks...( Most people trust only electronic components and measurements for warrenty of audio quality, almost nothing else and beside that anyway, most people dont trust their own ears ) It will cost under 500 dollars to transform this one million system in a pure musical instrument... But if we must saiy that to this proud one million dollars audio system owner's, I am not sure that he will listen to the freaks tweaks …. :)