Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
millercarbon OP
I and the Father are one. Well, of course you are. Thousands of years later and all of modern science has produced not one shred of evidence to the contrary.

>>>>You can’t prove a negative. Hel-loo! I am the Egg Man.
This is simply brilliant....
97% Scientists Do Not Agree with Climate Change or the Solution

Blog/Climate Posted Jan 23, 2020 by Martin Armstrong

In 2009, the University of Illinois sent a survey online to about 10,000 scientists with the following two questions:


Do you agree that global temperatures have generally risen since the pre-1800s?

Do you think that human activity is a significant contributing factor?

Only 3146 responses were received of 10,000, and of that 31%, 90% said yes to the first question but 82% said yes to the second question.

This is how the fraud was carried out by people who have used this survey. They narrowed down the responses and found that among Meteorologists who responded, only 64% said yes to the second question, so about 1/3 said NO!

Then disregarding all the others of the 3146 responses, they focused on only 77 who described themselves as “climate experts” without any proof of their credentials and found that only 75 said yes to the second question.

Therefore, when we divide 75/77 we get to their claim of 97% of all scientists in the world say there is a climate emergency that warrants raising taxes and seizing property.

This was only 2.3% of those who bothered to respond and I doubt that they would agree with the solution which is COMMUNISM!


If we take the 75 responses of 10,000 scientists surveyed, that means that 0.0075% agreed that there is climate change with some human causality. Why are they lying to the entire world? Because behind this movement is the destruction of capitalism and the resurrection of communism. And people wonder why our computer has been forecasting that the financial capital of the world is moving to Asia? Climate Change Activists are trying to recreate the Marxist experiment all over again.

And I’m a macaroni.
The brain is convoluted, by natural necessity; human reason is not in the necessity to be convoluted each day to promote an agenda.... Falsities by use of numbers interpretations are always that: rhetorical exact delirium...This remind us at the end of those who try to lift themselves off the ground by their own hairs...

The problem with lying is that an accumulation of lies modify the structural functions of the brains, and the lightning up of areas linked to emotions and cognitive controls and stress are in the process to light up always and always more easily with more lies... Except for psychopath that had no moral internal code then no stress...

Someone lying too many often without good reason to say so, except his own benefit, will be lying more and more easily by the absence of internal moral constraints, these barriers undermined, less firmly reflected in the function of his own brain...For normal people it is like learning to be a psychopath by decreasing the stress but being always at the end unable to be really one( increasing stress)... Lying always seems to be free of cost at first, but it is an illusion of the lying process itself...By this way of getting around our moral ingrained personality composure we cheat our own brain up to a point only...( It will be interesting to make a neurological interpretation of the lying process in the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden just saying my 2 cents :) )

These opinions of mine are not science, like all my posts, but reflections and interpretations of mine around science or other matters...By definition science has no opinions it is a process...

Science  isn't interested in proving or disproving God or Gods more important  things to worry about like climate change.
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