Love it when it snows

Nothing quiets things down like a nice blanket of snow. The roof is muffled, and the forest too. But I think there may be even more going on. Doesn't snow often here, but every time it sure does seem like the power is cleaner. For sure the listening is better. 
The length of time the earth has existed has nothing to do with what’s happening now. For most of the earth’s existence humans did not exist. This is really happening whether or not you believe it, also here is something I can never figure out.

Fine you don’t believe climate change is real. But don’t you have to consider what if it is?

Stop misrepresenting my position. It only makes you appear as ideological and detached from reality as Adam Schiff.

Of course the climate changes. Duh. Its changed a lot over the whole 3.5 billion years of its existence, and a lot over the shorter 3 billion year history of life. The vast majority of that time CO2 levels were much higher. Some of the highest CO2 levels in the history of life on Earth were during the Cambrian explosion when almost all genera of corals evolved, along with many plants and animals.

These are all relevant scientific facts, so please do try and follow along. I know its hard. Thinking, I mean. Please try.

CO2 is a required plant nutrient. Plants literally cannot live without it. Its a fact. You could look it up. PLEASE LOOK IT UP! Most of the plants on Earth evolved when CO2 levels were much higher. These plants today are near the lower range they are able to tolerate. Rising CO2 levels benefit these plants greatly. Higher CO2 benefits all plants, but these especially.

What are these plants? Just corn, soy, you know, plants humans rely on for food. Billions and billions of dollars and billions and billions of people are riding on these CO2 reliant crops. No plants? No food. No people.

I’m guessing they don’t tell you about this in the madrassa, or CNN, or wherever it is you go for programming. Oh well. True nonetheless.

So the climate you’re so convinced will destroy all life on Earth is the one most life is adapted to. And the CO2 you want to eliminate is the one thing we absolutely cannot survive without.

And you think I’m the one who’s nuts???!

...but at least you've gotten some insight as to how I sometimes perceive some of these forums...seemingly endless wrangling over what is already known to be contentious....

What is Reality?

Whatever 'you' make of it.  That would seem obvious, but...*shrug*

And that pretty much applies to All of 2 alike.

Similar....but still different, in some way.  And even that is situational.

I can accept that, and have for a very long time now...and I'm good with it.

*L* 'Reality for the stinkbug I just snuffed didn't turn out well, however...;)

A frog in hot water studying the thermometer theory and saying, at 99C or 210F, this water dont boil at this time being and was not boiling either in the near past.... This is an example of the passion for science studies or perhaps also an example for a complete absent mind idiot.... The context determine the interpretation...

This story is the same as the popular tale describing the absent minded professor blindly walking in a hole...

One of the possible interpretation is that in the general context of life it is also necessary to be attentive to the surroundings indeed if our life has value to us and not only attentive to some narrower idea or facts...

Is it necessary to wait before acting toward a common valued larger goal, even if all proven facts justifying the action are not there ?

In justice we dont act and lynch someone without waiting for the last of all the facts that are proof of his guilt...

Is the survival of humanity asking for the same precautions than justice for someone ?

Is a common conscious acting valued goal must be suspended because some affirm that the facts are not all there?

What it takes to act?

A judge decision, a last scientific fact? The problem is: can we wait till these last scientific facts will come if they comes in times? That looks like the last centigrade degree on the frog thermometer...

The circle is complete, we act by our sense of values, not only by the relative accumulation of facts...A frog who value his life dont study thermometry in hot water...

We act by gauging facts and values, they are nothing without one another...

We cannot and never will be ever able to say that we absolutely know, we only in a relative manner gauge facts against values and values against facts...This is history...

Goethe says :« History of science is science itself»

And for the end:

Some say that the frog has cheated and falsified his thermometer, and affirm that his proof study concerning all the problem of the hot waters is not existing and not valid and at the end this is proof that there is no boiling water at all...

Submitted metaphors to meditate....

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