Thanks for everyone replying I this thread, even the grumpy ones 😜 someone said that everyone should know that Supratek has very high gain, well maybe in the US or UK or Australia, but here where I live, you can be sure that no one knows the brand, I think the same would be the deal in Scandinavia and Europe.
I think maybe Mick didn’t notice the spec on my power amp as we exchanged quite a few emails, I always found him to be very forthright and patient with me.
Now I think some here are given the impression that my system is a total mismatch in gear, well if that’s the case, it sounds bloody fantastic!!!
With an upgrade to my dac with a lower output I think I can live with this, no problem.
Was listening to Tom Russel ( the man from God knows where ) what a fantastic sound and quite a good cd. Also The Modern Jazz Quartet ( Lonely Woman ) beautiful sounding, so much better with the Supratek than with other pre or intergraded amps I have had.So as you see, it is not the end of the world.
As I can see, many other people also have this problem with too much gain! To the more technical minded of you, where do you think the problem is mainly, are the sources the problem or is it the pre - power amps to blame, there must be a technical reason that designers choose to have high gain in their designs, maybe someone could explain for us more the reason and what in a combination of source, pre, amp would be best to have higher gain, I would think variable gain on a pre would be preferable, but maybe I am wrong.