Yes, the high output of many DACs and the high sensitivity (low V required) of many modern amplifiers creates this problem. Too much gain followed by too much attenuation. Attenuators are best when not operated near full attenuation (<50%). One reason passive preamps are popular. My system is built around a tube preamp with SS amp. Will likely add a tube amp as a alternative.
My preamp has variable output gain. This requires two attenuators, one pre and post preamp gain. This is not ideal, a single attenuator would be better. However the gain control allows me to use use both attenuators within the best operating region. A compromise I am willing to enlist.
My preamp has variable output gain. This requires two attenuators, one pre and post preamp gain. This is not ideal, a single attenuator would be better. However the gain control allows me to use use both attenuators within the best operating region. A compromise I am willing to enlist.