The only things that 505UX does not have are a mono button and a coffee-maker. Everything else is there. 507UX adds a mono button, I think.
Luxman Integrated - What do they sound like
Hi Everyone,
I'm considering getting myself a late 2018 Christma present or early 2019 birthday present.
Modern Luxman reviews are really hard to come by, and are generally just superlative without being very qualitative. I mean, it's all "rah rah rah!! " and no actual details.
For anyone who has listened to them lately, can you tell me what they actually sound like in comparison to other nice amps I might have heard?
Thank you,
I'm considering getting myself a late 2018 Christma present or early 2019 birthday present.
Modern Luxman reviews are really hard to come by, and are generally just superlative without being very qualitative. I mean, it's all "rah rah rah!! " and no actual details.
For anyone who has listened to them lately, can you tell me what they actually sound like in comparison to other nice amps I might have heard?
Thank you,
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- 105 posts total Good topic to check. I bought Luxman L 509x couple of weeks ago. Blown away. So good. Bass is amazing. I sold my speakers to get a something better to match with Luxman now. |
My amp is a Luxman L-550AXII, but sadly I’m unsure how to explain the differences between it and the many other amps I’ve owned. Fortunately there’s no shortage of reviews to be had by googling, all of which are pretty much raves. Suffice it to say that it’s the best amp I’ve owned, including gear that cost between two and 3 times as much. Being a Class A device with only 20W (in Class A; it does of course transition into Class A/B when pushed hard) speaker matching is something to keep in mind and you wouldn’t want to pair it with, say, 83dB/4Ohm speakers. |
Surely you aren't saying it is wrong to ask.You can ask all you want, I'm just saying I'm not sure it's really going to tell you anything... You asked Luxman owners to describe how their integrateds sound compared to other amps "I might have heard." I just don't know if that's actually possible to do. I do apologize for saying you should go listen to one yourself, as it occurred to me that I bought my 509X without hearing one first. But I had already owned 3 other Luxman components and had a lot of trust in the brand. That combined with the positive reviews from Pursuit Perfect System and Ken Micallef's Stereophile review was enough for me to pull the trigger. Have you owned other Luxman equipment before? Can you tell us some other amps you have heard and maybe some of the other Luxman owners will have heard those amps and could give you more specific feedback. |
- 105 posts total