Macintosh MA352 vs PrimaLuna 300 EVO Hybrid

I know the 352 has been discussed previously.  I was about to pull the trigger on the PrimaLuna when the MAC came to my attention.  I think there's not much price differential here.  Obviously what I'm looking for is a tube front end driving solid state amplification.  I've always sworn off of Macintosh stuff because of the cachet (for right or wrong).  Both will drive my KEP R7 Metas with the Mac more than I require.  However, all I care about here is that it also has a couple balanced inputs and, of all things, a balance control.  I have a small hearing loss in one ear.  All these things become less significant in regard to the sound.  PrimaLuna is a tube outfit, and the front end is likely most important here. I don't care about the phono as I'm fixed there. As far as service, I've got a PrimaLuna dealer right next to me and I figure the Mac dealers are all over.  Reliability does matter, however, as dragging these weighty items about is not an attractive option.  Any ideas would be appreciated. 


Lets see:
P/L-Made in China,$7240.00 MSRP,LOW resale value(may not matter now but years later will),100/150wpc.@ 8/4 ohms...
Mac-Made in USA!!! Maintains resale value!$7000.00 MSRP,5 band equalizer/tone control,BEAUTIFUL McIntosh Blue VU meters,200/320wpc.@ 8/4 ohms...
This is a NO BRAINER,McIntosh for the WIN!!!

I'm only interested in what they sound like.  I know Dick Olsher likes the PrimaLuna but there are not many reviews of the MA352.  There's also the MA252 though I have some write-ups comparing the two Macs and noting a significant difference between them.  Resale is always important but maybe not so much for someone in my age group  :) .  The VU meters are a pretty sales pitch, that's it, and the tone controls don't mean much for me beyond excess circuitry.  I would like a balanced input on the PL but there you go....

Personally I like the 352.  I know some people are turned off by it's looks but it's a very good sounding amp.   

I have owned a few used  mcintosh and I enjoyed them.  I always got more than what I paid when i sold them too .  How many companies can you say that about?

^^^ well P/L does not have a balance control OR Balanced Input so if you can live with no balance control,1 Balanced input,based on best sound, I would take a Made in Italy, Pathos Logos(110wpc.@ 8 ohms), Classic Remix Mk.II or Classic One Mk.III(both 70/130wpc.@ 8/4 ohms) over ANY Hybrid available from any manufacturer..Oh & at least $2000.00 or more savings on the cost of the Mac or P/L!

I own equipment from both PrimaLuna and McIntosh. (Evo 300 Power amp, McIntosh C2300, and MCD-1100.)

As for reliability, I’d consider the Evo Floyd and McIntosh to be a draw. The PL gear is built to a very high standard as is most McIntosh gear. 

I really enjoy my Evo 300, but in this case the MA352 is probably the safer bet. Not because the Floyd is bad, but I’ve read reviews on that unit that read as if it was just “fair”. PrimaLuna’s wheelhouse is tube-based equipment.

Also, the EQ on the 352 may be of more help to you with your stated hearing imbalance, potentially helping with any future hearing issues that occur as we all age.