Maggie owners -- Mye or Magna Riser stands

just thought i would poll the maggie owners on here, which are many, to see if you have either of these for your pair, and how/why you chose.

looks to me that the mye’s maintain stock height but are more substantial for stiffening the speaker and floor coupling, where as the magna-risers do less of that (but still better than the wimpy stock feet) but they do raise the speaker off the floor for a sonic benefit

would love to hear a discussion on the pros/cons of each (or third alternative, if there is one...) -- thanks in advance for any input

ps - i currently am enjoying a pair of 1.7i's but may move to 3.7i's

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Showing 3 responses by jjss49

thanks @russ69

i want to make sure your confidence in the 1.7 to 3.7 upgrade applies to the current ’i’ models... some say the improvement is quite room size specific and marginal in the case of 1.7i to 3.7i, whereas it was more of a clear upgrade in the earlier ’non-i’ versions

i find the 1.7i loads my room exceptional well in the bass and mids, i have already put alot of work into find the proper setup/toe in


thanks for your input

just so i am clear, you went from 1.7i to 3.7 (not 3.7i) correct?

i have both in house presently (1.7i as well as 3.7i) both on magnas... both sound wonderful, but as you can imagine, somewhat different

all maggies should ideally be heard standing vertically

just the baby maggies are sold with cheapo stock stands by the factory to shoot slightly upwards given the shortness of the speaker... they should be put on elevated stands to point straight forward yet at a proper height - witness now the upgraded upcharged stands magnepans sells with their lrs+

i have magna risers on both my 1.7i and 3.7i, very very pleased ... was just curious about the myes as they seem to brace the speaker a bit more robustly... not sure it matters much sonically