Magico A5 or Sonus faber SERAFINO TRADITION or Harbeth 40.3 XD

Looking at upgrading my speakers and I have no in home demo options.

I am looking at spending up to 25K.

Magico, Sonus faber, Harbeth are in the running.

I listen to  beatles, Dead, CSNY, Eagles.

I have a Mcintosh MC462, MC22 and a just ordered Berkeley Alpha Dac 3.  

I was leaning toward the Harbeth or SF but just read a great review on the MAgico A5.

Still working on buying a streamer to feed the system.

Looking for some thoughts.


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Consider Wilson Sabrina 2 ,  Used Rockport, YG Acoustics all are excellent .

Sabrina new $20 k , the YG,and Rockport get a $50 k speaker for in your price range   Don't overlook big monitors like Marten,or MBL outstanding 

just buy a pair of Svs 3000 subs full range and outstanding plenty of options .

The Magico A5 speakers weigh 180 lbs each. That was a consideration for my application, it may or may not be for your’s.

I’ve never listened to Magico’s but I’ve owned three different pairs of Sonus Faber speakers and currently settled on the Serafino’s. I f&ckkng love them. Absolutely beautiful detail and soundstage and gorgeous deep and tight bass - a real 30hz bass with room to spare... Mids and highs are beautiful and open. I also listen to the music you listen to. I hear amazing things about the magico’s and also I love the sound of Wilson speakers but could never stomach the way they looked.

I started off with a McIntosh amp but found the sound a little too syrupy and boomy. ThenI got a Gryphon Diablo 300 and my ears loved that for a while but some fatigue settled in. A little harsh and clinical. My source is a DCS Bartok, BTW. Then I shlepped my Gryphon amp to my dealer as I was going to buy a pair of Amatis. We switched out the gryphon for an ARC 160s and the magic really happened. I wrote a check on the spot for that amp and was lucky to get a good deal on a used REF 6SE... It’s all settling in nicely now and I couldn’t be happier.


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I love my McIntosh and Sonus Faber combination. You will too.  Magico speakers sound a bit hollow with McIntosh based on my demos.