havent heard the mk1 version of the S5 but have heard plenty of magicos recently. they love big clean solid state power. i just took delivery of a customized amp from odyssey audio which sounds beautiful and delivers steady power and current. Alon actually uses an amp from odyssey (among others) to test his speakers - I read this in TAS and it's worth looking up. The article is about the Khartago (entry level) but I got a customized version of the kismet (top line). One of the best parts of the build and customization process is that Klaus will ask you to measure the voltage for your socket so he can tailor the bias for YOUR power conditions. This makes a big difference for me since I live in an older NYC building with dirty power - I was averaging 124 volts out of the socket. Highly rec you check these amps out!
Disclaimer: I have no business affiliation with Odyssey Audio. Just a really happy customer and Klaus is a real stand up guy.
Disclaimer: I have no business affiliation with Odyssey Audio. Just a really happy customer and Klaus is a real stand up guy.