Magnepan 3.7i VS 2.7X

I have been considering the purchase of a pair of Maggie 3.7i speakers. Has anyone out there had the opportunity to hear the new upgraded $10K Magnepan 2.7X and can tell me how it compares to the $9K Magnepan 3.7i in sound quality? Thanks, and please stay on topic.


Worse, if the wire is too thin for the amount of current it is trying to handle, it might melt, causing damage to the amplifier.

LOL LOL LOL!!!!! Please!!! Stop!!!!! My sides are killing me!!!


Thank you very much for your response. I wonder if you could elaborate a little on the differences and to the reasons why you prefer the 2.7X over the 3.7i and 20.7?

The 2.7 was very dynamic and could play very loud without that compression type of sound that (I think) on panel speakers. The clarity of the 2.7 is really good, better than the other 2. I thought the bass kept up with the 3.7, maybe not quite as low but with better definition. sorry for the short response i'm on vacay with the family :)

@secretguy You might think this is a joke but I burned out the brilliance control of my Sound Labs speakers and I mean smoke, stench the works. A very power amp like a JC 1+ could easily melt the insulation off cheap high gauge speaker wire. I am not sure if it could do it on a 4 ohm loudspeaker. The Sound Labs approach 1 ohm at 20 kHz resulting in extremely high current.