Magnepan LRS+ resistors on the tweeters… which?

I have a pair of LRS+ and after playing with the set-up positioning for a while I have finally found the spot where everything aspect of the sound is right apart from the treble: it is simply too high, and is tiresome after a couple of records.

But Magnepan knows it and fit a pair of sockets to allow the user to play with 10W resistors, ranged from 1 to 2 Ohm.

The resistors that come with the speakers are not the best and some users refer that they affect the sound too much.

So I wonder, what are the best resistors to fit in the LRS+ ?


I have had Maggies for over 25 years.  Lots of tinkering with placement and room interactions.  For me, the best way to fix what I call a "hissy top end" was to put a sound absorbing panel directly behind the speaker more toward the top of the speaker.  This will still let you enjoy the soundstaging effects but cut out the reflected top end.  I did try the fuse treatment to no audible effect.  Also different resistors with poor results.

I’m using a belles integrated amp, which makes the Maggie’s very crisp, and using audio quest type 9 but with dbs battery pack. The cable without the battery pack believe it or not made the speakers a little bit too sharp. The dbs smoothed it out. I wasn’t the only one who heard it. The wife heard it first.

Also the other alternative which is crazy stupid expensive, is to have magnepan upgrade the whole crossover to the new x version. But like I said it’s like 2 grand for that 

@cey - I agree - this is not a 'normal' scenario for these. I'd be looking at other things to tame what you're hearing down a tad, maybe speaker cable, definitely the Naim 122X - an awful cheap n nasty piece of equipment, as I found out when I bought one as it had a HT bypass feature I wanted. It was driving my Threshold S300II into my 1.7i's. Next I tried a Naim 202 as the 122x was so bad (a glutten for punishment I hear!). Much better than the 122x but still not in the same league as the Speaker/Power amp combo. Enter an ARC LS15, quickly followed by my current Ref3 - Heaven.

Anyway - dump the Naim stuff, including, and especially the NAC A5 cable.

As @waytoomuchstuff says - the input plate is GARBAGE. The binding posts are STEEL!!! as is the awful jumper where the resistor goes. The fuse and its holder should be junked, as that is what it is - junk. Not needed. It's easy to bypass too and easy to revert if you don't like it. The difference 'proper' binding posts made and the removal of the fuse & holder was astonishing. I've had various Maggies over the last 45 years, from my 1st MG1b to my current ones, and they have all benefited, enormously, from doing the above. An LRS+ should not be sounding harsh or toppy (hot). Those awful reistors should not/never be used, IMO.

From memory, I believe the LRS+ has those little feet extensions at the rear to either tilt the speaker more upright, or have it leaning back. If yours are upright with the 'bent wire foot' extended, drop them down. Leaning a Maggie back will reduce treble. If you have the 'cantilever' type stand, did your speakers not come with four small Nylon washers, which can be placed between stand and speaker on the four uppermost attachment points? If so, try them. If not, get some to try, to get the speakers to lean back a few degrees. And as @boxcarman says, put some absobent material behind the speakers to reduce reflections. Reflections exaggerate top end, so if your particular room is somewhat LIVE, then that will help enormously. Try all things, but don't use those resistors.