Magnepan LRS+ which amps do you use ? * 100 watts or less **

I have a pair coming in this week and wondering if any folks are having good results with 100watt or less amps 

i have a Rogue  Cronos mag that's about 100 watts , also an Exsposure 2510 that's about 110 into 4 ohms 

do you really need hundreds of watts to enjoy these speakers ?


I have heard the LRS+  with the Exposure 2510 amp [ which I own ]  and thought combo was very nice .

I'll try that once I get the speakers .


I do have an ace up my sleeve - Rogue audio Pharaoh 1  . wasn't particularly enamored with the class D but would be willing to" dust it off " and put it to work if need be .

I have seen lots of positive reviews for Hegel amps  but $$ 

Yes, since you own the Pharaoh try it out. I own a Sphinx V3 and plan on trying it out with my LRS+s.

Had a pair for about five months (waited 8 months).  Im happy enough with my McIntosh 2505 (50wpc) that I havent tried them with one of my bigger amps. Dont judge how your amp sounds until the speakers are broken in (maybe 50 hours). They sound scary bad right out of the box. I forgot to switch from the 8ohm to 4ohm speaker taps on my amp when I first hooked them up.  They sounded even more awful. I have about 200 hours listening and several days of micro-arranging them in the room now and they provide a sound stage that I never got from box speakers in my small room.

Sorry not what you want to hear but yes the LRS sound great but need lots of power.  I have bi-amped Audiosource Amp Three amps putting out 200 watts into 4 ohms and they still get hot. I have thermoregulated fan units for them.  I blew up an old cheap 80 watt Yamaha amp trying to drive an old pair of MMGs and the LRS are even less efficient.  The Amp Threes can be found cheap used and I think they sound fine.  

They need time to break in and power to make them sing, but they sing.  Being able to easily move them around is cool also.