Man Cave or No?

I'm curious whether most folks have a dedicated room for their rig or have their setup in one of the main living areas of their home. Since our house is of modest proportions, with no family room, media room or finished basement, my system sits in the living room (where we actually "live"). As a result, we have tried to (have been forced to) integrate the stereo into the surroundings so it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb. Sometimes I wish I had a dedicated room where I could go and escape the noise and distractions of "living"--a real "man cave" for my hifi and music collection. A place where I could set up the speakers optimally in the space and leave cables running here and there without concern about someone tripping (or chewing) on them. On the other hand, I wonder whether I would listen as often if I had to "go somewhere" to listen to music--it is real nice to drop right onto the living room couch and hear some tunes and sometimes my wife will join me for awhile. As long as she's not talking to me I like the company. In the "man cave" I'd be ALONE. Anyway, from the looks of some of the systems I've seen posted it looks like most audiophiles have a "special room" where they set up their rigs. Just wondering how people view the trade off between "man cave" and "system in the living area" thing.
Because some people don't understand why the stereo needs to be on 7 straight days to burn in my new ic's. Because 16 Realtraps might not be enough. Because tubes and flying footballs don't mix. WE ALL NEED MANCAVES!!
I got my dedicated room when we became empty nesters. It's an upstairs bedroom that's occupied by three chairs, the system, cd racks and room treatments. Much better for audio but it can get a bit lonely as my wife has zero interest in listening. Also, on the rare occasion a non-family member visits for a listen it feels strange walking through the upstairs.
This thread is timely for my situation as I'm considering a second system for a more public area of the house. Probably the living room as it is more suitable for a system. Lord knows there's enough extra stuff around.
To have a nice system and having your mate to listen with you from time to time ain't bad at all. When I built my "man cave", I did find myself becoming more disconnected from the wife and kids. Kids grow up so very fast and the wife,I would want to hang onto a lot longer than my gear. {did I really say that} Spending time with them both is more important. Besides when you are home alone, the whole house becomes your man cave, enjoy it to the utmost them.
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I like variety. I have multiple rooms I share with family and a sound insulated "man cave" where I can set up however I please and listen in at any volume at any time.

Best of both worlds, though I wish I had a bigger cave perhaps.