MBL omnidirectional speakers. How do they sound ?

Please share your experience, whether you only heard them somewhere or have them in your system. And associated electronics. Also, how do they sound with tubes or hybrids ? Where do they stand compared to other top speakers like Lansche, Venture, JM Labs Grand Utopia, Rockport, big horns etc. ?
Not thinking of getting them anytime soon if ever, simply interested in people's impressions.
I've heard them on numerous occasions, almost always with mbl electronics (once with Jadis JA 500s).  Absolutely astonishing soundstaging and transient speed, very lifelike dynamics.  You can walk right into the soundstage, like with an omni-directional speaker.  My main complaint about them is that, to me (and to a friend of mine who was also initially blown away by them) they seem a bit bright in the treble when listened to over time.  In addition, the deepest bass always seemed to be just a slight bit slower than the rest of the drivers to me, almost a little boomy.  And the price of the amps needed to drive them was off-putting, though maybe there's something out there that can drive them for a reasonable price.  Still, even with the (relatively minor) faults, one of my favorite speaker systems.  You might not like them if you don't like the sound of omnis, though.
+1 rcprince

the whole room is fill with sound. one drawback is the image location & depth of field are not easily recognisable  
Heard them at a show with some expensive digital source. Scintillating chromium brightness that hurt my hears.