MBL omnidirectional speakers. How do they sound ?

Please share your experience, whether you only heard them somewhere or have them in your system. And associated electronics. Also, how do they sound with tubes or hybrids ? Where do they stand compared to other top speakers like Lansche, Venture, JM Labs Grand Utopia, Rockport, big horns etc. ?
Not thinking of getting them anytime soon if ever, simply interested in people's impressions.
Heard them at a show with some expensive digital source. Scintillating chromium brightness that hurt my hears.
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Huge and powerful. You really need to hear them to fully appreciate. I have only heard them with MBL electronics. They require lots of power and current.
I heard them in an all MBL system and with Macintosh components...detailed, but in my opinion a little bit bright 
The best system that I've ever heard, (and I've heard many, many, many systems) was the MBL Master Reference System.

Granted at $500K it should be good, but this was just unbelievable and truly a reference.  I will never forget it.