MC Transformer or phono stage - help anyone?

I am seeking the sage advice of all the vinyl experts. I have a Benz ruby 2 on an Audiomeca romance arm and turntable. I run it through the moving coil section of my Musical Fidelity Nuvista M3 integrated. The cartridge is medium output (.4 mV) and while I am happy with the sound I suspect the phono stage is the weak link of my system. I notice the bass to be a bit weak particulary lower notes. Does anyone have comments on what sort of improvement adding in either a good moving coil phono stage or transformer would have (little or large). If so which would you recommend (stage or transformer and brand)? I have tried to read up on this but still end up quite uncertain. My price range is uncertain - I would say what would I have to spend to see a reasonable difference. I would hope somewhere between 1-2,000 but less would not be bad. Options I wondered about were the Benz stage or the 47 labs phono cube. The rest of my system by the way is listed. The room is a large one (18 X 40 with cathedral ceilings and I listen to mostly classical and jazz, but some rock as well. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this and any help would be greatly appreciated.

I just installed an old "The Head" stepup (precursor to the EAR MC-3) between my 0.6 mV Koetsu Red Standard and CAT Ultimate pre. Just a fantastic improvement with more dynamic and tuneful bass among many other things. This brought back what went missing from my analogue when I swapped out a Rowland Coherence One for the CAT last year.

If you have a lowish output MC and an all-tube phono stage (with a few exceptions) a stepup or head amp would likely be the way to go. This will likely "open up" the sound considerably, reduce any tube noise that the phono stage may generate, and allow you to keep the gain knob at roughly the same position for line and phono sources thereby avoiding nasty surprises when switching between sources.

I have no first-hand experience with the NuVista M3; I think it has a tube preamp section. Also, depending on how it is measured, I think the Ruby 2 cartridge output is closer to 0.3 mV. I suspect a stepup WILL give you what you are looking for. Go for something basic first and just remember to plug it into your MM (not MC) phono input.
By the way, optimal impedance loading for the cartridge at the stepup is usually different from that at the preamp. You will have to research what this is for your Benz and shop for your stepup accordingly. The stepup likes to see 47K at the phono stage (ie MM).
Thanks to everyone who read and responded, the help is greatly appreciated.

If I understand what everybody kind of said it depends on if it is an issue of gain and the quality of the preamp. I like the preamp a lot for cds but understand that low output mc are even more critical of the preamp. If it is an issue of the preamp quality then the phono stage would be the way to go. If it is an issue of gain then transformer. Does this make sense to all of you. From what I have heard the benz stage is unlikely to be a major upgrade, I wonder about the hegtech trumpet (which needs a transformer) or the 47 lab phono cube. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

your comments are always helpful but I'm not sure how to tell if it is just a gain issue. I like the preamp a lot for cds, the volume is turned up about half and the measured gain in the stereophile review was 70.5 db which should be enough, the impedence was 37.3 though I thought it was to be 47 in the manual.


I will try to adjust the vta a bit, I appreciate the advice. I am not sure I can adjust how it is loaded. Any suggestions. I know you have a wonderful phono stage and wonder if you have any thoughts about a very good stage at a reasonable price (what is reasonable in this world).


the pass was one of the units I gave thought to but size may be an issue as it would attract substantial notice from my loving but only so tolerant wife. I gather though it is one of the best out there.


Your comments mirror my confusion. I saw your io and gave thought to it but was too slow (and I wasn't sure just what I should do). Did you prefer the io to the pass and if so why?

Tom yours makes the most financial sense, and likely the easiest and least to lose.

Kleech the nuvista is a tubed preamp, ss output. As far as I could find the resistance of the benz i 40 ohms (from a listener on the audio note transformers). Is this what I need to match?

Again many thanks, you are a big help and I think bringing some aid to my confusion

From my experiences, 70.5db total gain in the phono stage and linestage combined will not be sufficient for a .4mv output cartridge. I am using a cartridge with the same output, and I have 86db total gain. I am maybe a little too high on the gain because I am at full volume at about 10 o'clock on the volume knob. But I think you'll need at least 80db total gain and maybe even a little more than that, for that cartridge. If it is true that the cartridge gives only .3mv, then you will need 85db total gain, because that was perfect with the last .3mv cartridge that I had on my system. From what you described, I think you need more gain in the front end.
When I had the Pass Aleph Ono I had a different turntable and cartridge than I used with the IO so it would be hard to give a definitive answer. If I had to characterize them, I would say the Ono was a bit tighter, quieter, and a little more analytical, the IO was more musical. The IO and the Ono are both excellent and I could live with either. One thing to consider is that the IO needs to have $500 worth of tubes replaced every so often whereas the Ono is solid state. If money is not an issue I would go with the IO but I have not heard the latest from Pass, the X Ono.