McIntosh MA2275 int tube Amp...OPINIONS PLEASE

HI any owners ? need input on ma2275.
I've had very good experiences with Brent Jessee as well. Good service and good tubes at a fair price.
I purchased a new MA2275 August 2011 with Sonus Faber Cremona-M speakers and the sound was dull and disappointing, I wondered had I made a huge mistake! I waited and waited for the burn-in improvement but it never came by March 2012.

I read about tube rolling on Audiogon and was positive that if I changed the McIntosh Chinese signal tubes I would have hope.

I ordered 12AX7 NOS Telefunken smooth plates from Brent Jessee Recording Supply in Illinois and man what a difference! My Mac is singing unbelievably! All I replaced was the V6 & V7 preamp tubes. I was so stoked that I went further and ordered the very best Telefunken driver tubes ECC801S and I continue to be amazed. This is all I ever wanted.

Of course I am continuing my quest with Brent Jesse for some top of the line Mazda tubes for the phono side.

I suggest everyone with a MA2275 contact Jessee Brent for their tubes. The web site is amateur but has a wealth of information no slick site has, this is the true and real deal here. I'd like to have a beer with this guy sometime.

And by the way, I'm an American working in the Middle East and his tubes arrived safe and sound, no doubt to Lynn's careful packing :-). So where ever in the world you are, rest assure they will arrive intact.

Two thumbs up to the Brent Family Biz. I'm a customer for life.

mark mccune
I LOVE my MA2275! The sound quality is excellent and warm. Plenty of power to drive my Thiel 2.4's. I have not played with tube rolling yet but will do so soon. The 2275 is built like a tank!
Not to derail the original post but:
I have been a long time observer of your systems, as mine have been similar (Plinius integrated, Dynaudio Contour monitors; now I have C1s). So how do like the Mac as opposed to the Plinius amp?
I own and have used an MA2275 for the past 3 years to drive B&W 805s's in my anchor system. Other than an incident with a static discharge (always ground yourself before plugging headphones during the winter when you live in New England) it has been totally reliable and sounds excellent. I chose the 2275 over the the C220/MC275 combo due to the all tube signal path including the phono preamp and elimination of amp/preamp interconnects in the amplification chain. The current tube complement consists of Sovtek 12AX7LPS'S in the phono preamp,Mullard CV4024 drivers, re-isssue Mullard 12AX7's in the tone amp and re-issue Tungsol 6550 output tubes (however I have a set of re-issue Gold Lion KT88's to try when I get some time to play). This amp is where I go when I get tired of playing with various components and just want to listen to very high quality music. Highly Recommended!
If it sounds anything like my McIntosh MC 275 MK V, I'd say you should be quite happy. Plus, I like the fact that it's American made.... Mac gear has a reputation for being dependable.... Mac has outstanding customer support, and resale value is second to none.

What speakers do you plan to use with it?