mcintosh mx units

i have a mcintosh mx132. compared to the lower mx models, why is the 132 the least exoensive??


Showing 2 responses by auxinput

In addition to missing balanced XLR outputs, the MX-132 does not even have HDMI support.  This puts the processor at 15 or more years old.  The newer processors that support HDMI 1.4 and even HDMI 2.0 for 4K are going to be much more expensive, even though the "model number" is lower.

Some of these older HT Processors, like the MX-132, are actually hidden gems and make excellent analog preamps.  They just don't support the newer digital/video stuff.  But MX-132 is getting long in the tooth and those electrolytic capacitors are likely drying out at this point.